 Established in April 2008 under the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №236 dated November 13, 2007  Primary Activity.


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Presentation transcript:

 Established in April 2008 under the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №236 dated November 13, 2007  Primary Activity –Financial lease of Medical Centers  Authorized Capital – UZS 1,5 billion;  Share Capital to the date – UZS 2,045 billion.  Since 2015 Company’s shares are enlisted at the Republican Stock Exchange «Toshkent» index «UZLI»

NameShares, % The State 13.33% National Bank of Uzbekistan 20% AGROBANK 13.33% ASAKA BANK 20% UZPROMSTROYBANK 16.67% IPOTEKA BANK 16.67% Total: 100%

 The company mainly grants a lease medical equipment and component parts;  Also, the company has a license for wholesale trade;  Due to narrow specialization, the company's services are widely demanded in the field of developing and updating the material and technical base of medical institutions;  The company needs to attract additional investment to meet demand for the company's services in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

 In Uzbekistan, Leasing companies that may be considered competitors of the enterprise, such as:  ALA "Uzkishlokhuzhalikmashlizing"  GLA "Uzmeliomashlizing"  JV JSC "Uzbek Leasing International AO" and others.  However, due to the presence of specialization in the field of medical equipment, our company is unrivaled and highly demanded among medical institutions

 In 2015, the company’s net profit consisted of more than 570 million UZS that is highest profit since the company’s establishment  Company’s assets – 1,6 billion UZS and increasing.  It is planned to maintain the amount of net profit in subsequent years.

 Company’s share to be sold to foreign investor makes 15% of Authorized capital of the company.  Currently shares of the company that represent 13.33% of the Authorized capital of the company are listed at Republican Stock Exchange “Toshkent”, valued at 2428,25 UZS for each share  If shares of the company are purchased by foreign investor the government provides tax exemption on the income from dividends up to (Presidential Decree № 2454 dated December 21, 2015

 Address:100000, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek district, st. Hamid Alimzhan, 11A, 2nd floor  Phones: ;  Web: 

 Chairman of the Board Mr. Malik Rakhimov Phone: (internal 201)  Leading Specialist on Foreign Economic Affairs Mr. Bekzod Idayatov Phone: (internal 102)

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