Established in April 2008 under the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №236 dated November 13, 2007 Primary Activity –Financial lease of Medical Centers Authorized Capital – UZS 1,5 billion; Share Capital to the date – UZS 2,045 billion. Since 2015 Company’s shares are enlisted at the Republican Stock Exchange «Toshkent» index «UZLI»
NameShares, % The State 13.33% National Bank of Uzbekistan 20% AGROBANK 13.33% ASAKA BANK 20% UZPROMSTROYBANK 16.67% IPOTEKA BANK 16.67% Total: 100%
The company mainly grants a lease medical equipment and component parts; Also, the company has a license for wholesale trade; Due to narrow specialization, the company's services are widely demanded in the field of developing and updating the material and technical base of medical institutions; The company needs to attract additional investment to meet demand for the company's services in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In Uzbekistan, Leasing companies that may be considered competitors of the enterprise, such as: ALA "Uzkishlokhuzhalikmashlizing" GLA "Uzmeliomashlizing" JV JSC "Uzbek Leasing International AO" and others. However, due to the presence of specialization in the field of medical equipment, our company is unrivaled and highly demanded among medical institutions
In 2015, the company’s net profit consisted of more than 570 million UZS that is highest profit since the company’s establishment Company’s assets – 1,6 billion UZS and increasing. It is planned to maintain the amount of net profit in subsequent years.
Company’s share to be sold to foreign investor makes 15% of Authorized capital of the company. Currently shares of the company that represent 13.33% of the Authorized capital of the company are listed at Republican Stock Exchange “Toshkent”, valued at 2428,25 UZS for each share If shares of the company are purchased by foreign investor the government provides tax exemption on the income from dividends up to (Presidential Decree № 2454 dated December 21, 2015
Address:100000, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek district, st. Hamid Alimzhan, 11A, 2nd floor Phones: ; Web:
Chairman of the Board Mr. Malik Rakhimov Phone: (internal 201) Leading Specialist on Foreign Economic Affairs Mr. Bekzod Idayatov Phone: (internal 102)
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