Acanthaster planci («Crowns-of-Thorns ») in Vanuatu : Status & recent work VANUATU FISHERIES DEPARTMENT
Coral reef ecosystems in Vanuatu Vanuatu archipelago: km 2 of reefs and lagoons
Strong dependence upon coastal resources
Crown-of-thorns outbreaks : a rising issue in the Pacific The coral-eating starfish Acanthaster planci is a major cause of coral reef destruction in the Pacific: Max size 80 cm ; weight > 3kg Can eat up to 12 m 2 of reef / individual / year Feeds preferentially on branching corals from Acropora and Pocillopora genus Highly dispersive species: 4-60 millions eggs/female, days larval phase Increasing COT outbreaks are expected due to climate change (e.g. SST rise, increased nutrient run-off) Increasing COT outbreaks are expected due to climate change (e.g. SST rise, increased nutrient run-off)
COT issues in Vanuatu IN VANUATU, NUMEROUS ISLANDS ARE EXPERIENCING COT OUTBREAKS THAT ARE INEFFECTIVELY MANAGED BY THE COMMUNITIES. Lack of awareness Lack of awareness C onsequences on reef health / food security issues Lack of basic ecological knowledge Lack of basic ecological knowledge Reproduction, spawning season, regeneration capacity Lack of financial support Lack of financial support Short-term, project-based funding vs. long-term issue Currently reported outbreaks (2014)
Evolution of coral cover in Moorea, French polynesia Ecological effects of COT outbreaks
RECENT COT outbreaks in Vanuatu RECENT COT outbreaks in Vanuatu data
IslandProvinceNb transects Mean density (COT/ha) Maximum density (COT/ha)CleaningSource EmaoShefa yesIRD/VFD EmaeShefa yesIRD/VFD EpiShefa---no dataLocal communities SantoSanma yesIRD/VFD AoreSanma yesIRD/VFD MaloSanma---yesNGOs, tourism TutubaSanma---yesNGOs, tourism MalekulaMalampa yesIRD AmbaePenama--- no data Local communities TannaTafea--- no data Local communities MotalavaTorba--- no data NGOs VFD & IRD COT SURVEY IN 2013
IRD / VFD studies (2014) IRD / VFD studies (2014) Acanthaster maximum density ( / ha) EMAO EMAE SANTO AORE MALEKULA ANIWA “ NORMAL ” LEVEL
COT spawning period in Vanuatu OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV Spawning from October to February – March Depends on the area (water T°), ex. Santo before Efate
Development of a new technique to control COT populations Percent mortality % « Acidic injections » developed by IRD / VFD : efficient (100% mortality with 2x10ml injected per starfish) natural, cost-effective, logistical ease
KEYPOINTS COT OUTBREAKS IS A RECURRENT ISSUE COT OUTBREAKS IS A RECURRENT ISSUE that will require long-term efforts in most cases, especially in the context of climate change that may increase the frequency and/or severity of COT outbreaks COT ISSUE CANNOT BE ADDRESSED BY ISOLATED INDIVIDUALS COT ISSUE CANNOT BE ADDRESSED BY ISOLATED INDIVIDUALS, or even by the government alone: the commitment of local stakeholders (including local communities & organisations, government representatives, tourism operators etc.) is absolutely necessary SOME OUTBREAKS CAN BE EFFICIENTLY MANAGED BY COMMUNITIES SOME OUTBREAKS CAN BE EFFICIENTLY MANAGED BY COMMUNITIES using simple, costless clean-up techniques and basic tools RAPID INTERVENTION AND LONG-TERM COMMITMENT RAPID INTERVENTION AND LONG-TERM COMMITMENT are the key to successfully prevent or reducing damages on coral reefs and thus associated fish/resources. LESSONS LEARNT
PERSPECTIVES UPSCALE THIS COMMUNITY-BASED APPROACH UPSCALE THIS COMMUNITY-BASED APPROACH at country scale. Target priority sites in the different provinces through a national program. FILL GAPS ON COT BIOLOGY FILL GAPS ON COT BIOLOGY Specify the spawning period of COTs in Vanuatu to determine the optimal period to launch efficient eradication campaigns with low risks of causing mass spawning. DEVELOP ALTERNATE IN-SITU KILLING STRATEGIES (INJECTION) DEVELOP ALTERNATE IN-SITU KILLING STRATEGIES (INJECTION) to complement community action in deep places not accessible by snorkelling
Participants to the pilot project in Santo, December Thank you Tumas