Aim: To understand how the memory works, and how we can get it to work better for exams!
Overview! 1.Why memory is important. 2.How the memory works. 3.Things you can do to help your memory. 4.Summary, with tests.
Why does memory matter? On a basic level we need it to survive. Academically it is the key skill at GCSE. Whatever skills we have are useless without memory. We would have no sense of ourselves.
Memory The ways that the mind processes information and recalls it.
Stages of Cognition. Seeing Understanding/organises Recalls
Three Types of Memory. Immediate, holds info for less than a second. Short term, hold info for 30 seconds. Long term, the filing cabinet of the brain, it can store any number of pieces of information and last a life time!
Short to Long Term Memory STM(Short Term Memory) stores up to 7 features simultaneously. Will throw out anything that is not processed. Processes using; Repetition, colour, position, movement, contrast. Information then becomes a Long Term Memory(L.T.M). It’s then just a matter of retrieving it!
Strategies for Memory. MTVB BCE1 7M MRIT VAOK
Imagination Processes of River transportation. Traction, saltation, suspension & solution. Tigers suck stripey straws! MNEMONICS HELP!
Repeat it. The clue to remembering is active repetition.
Colour The colour of something triggers off responses in your mind. These will help with recall.
Armadillos can invent red computers ! Association. Chunking Imagination. Repitition Colour MIND MAPS LINK THE BRAIN TO IMPROVE MEMORY!
What doesn’t work ? Reading passively. Longer than 50 minutes. Distraction. Recall within 30 seconds.
The Don’t s Fool yourself you are revising, you might be able to fool yourself, your parents and teachers but you won’t fool the examiner! Surround yourself with distractions e.g mobiles, computers, TVs, X boxes I pads Distract your mates from working. Kid yourself it will all be alright if you don’t put the hours in.
The Do s! Put the hours in. 15 hours quality revision per subject minimum. Do something active rather than just read. E.g take notes, answer questions. Summarise what you have learned at the end of a session. Keep sessions to 45 mins then have a break.
The Do’s Use memory tricks. E.g Mnemonics, mindmaps, colour, chunking. Ask if you need help. E.g if you don’t understand, need somewhere to revise. Give yourself some time off but stick to your plan. Believe you can do it!
Subject: Geography Topic: Climate Change. Date: 9/5/113 Key Issues: The pattern of global temperatures since the last Ice Age. Describe what has happened to global temperatures over the last 10,000 years. Natural reasons for this change. Name three of the natural factors that explain this change. For two of them explain how they affect global temperatures. The Greenhouse effect. How does it work? Causes of increases in emissions of greenhouse gases. What are they, why have they occurred? Effects of global warming. What are they and how and why are they affecting the environment and people? What have I learned? What do I need help with? What do I need to do in my next session ?
What we,(boys) are designed for. To hunt and fight. To run, jump, throw, track, hit and carry, not specifically to do well in exams!