President George W. Bush, Robber Barron Productions And This Guy! In conjunction with
a Pro-Big Business Republican Senate, Docile Democrats, and a Government Of, By And for The Corporations…
Present… The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer “Protection” Act* *(AKA The Corporate Reach Around and Consumer Exploitation Act)
Donald Trump: Filing for Chapter 11 protection and clearing your casinos of a $1.3 Billion Debt: $ Credit Card Companies Lobbying Congress to pass the New Bankruptcy Law: $35 million [i] [i] [i]
Law that allows your company to keep its assets while arming your bank with stronger enforcement powers to collect on the most vulnerable Americans: Veterans, seniors, victims of identity theft and folks with medical problems? PRICELESS
There are many debts that corporations can write off, For everyone else, there’s Poverty MasterCard Says: “Interest, Compounded, Will Never Be Defeated! Congress: Support the Bankruptcy Bill!”
…And rightfully Rejected By Republicans: S. Amdt 16 (Durbin): To protect service members and veterans from means testing in bankruptcy, and to disallow certain claims by lenders charging usurious interest rates to our service men and women. REJECTED S.Amdt. 38 (Durbin): Discouraging predatory lending practices REJECTED S.Amdt. 42 (Schumer): To limit the exemption for asset protection trusts. REJECTED Fair Amendments Proposed By Democrats…
…and here’s a few more… S.Amdt. 28 (Kennedy): To exempt debtors whose financial problems were caused by serious medical problems from means testing. REJECTED S.Amdt. 29 (Kennedy): To provide protection for medical debt homeowners. REJECTED S.Amdt. 31 (Dayton): To limit the amount of interest that can be charged on any extension of credit to 30 percent. REJECTED
Rep. Denney Hastert (R) Ill. and the Entire GOP Pledge to Make Those Vets PAY!! Bring Back Debtors’ Prison!! HUZZAH!!!
And what did we keep in the Bill? $ The loophole that allows the use of asset protection trusts. $ What are Asset Protection Trusts? $ Offshore trusts where our fellow Billionaires and Millionaires keep OUR money out of the reach of domestic creditors. “Hey Congress! Thanks for looking out!”
We’re everywhere you’ll ever go VISA Says: “Congress: Say YES! To Debt Slavery Support the Bankruptcy Bill”
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer “Protection” Act* *(AKA The Corporate Reach Around and Consumer Exploitation Act): Written by, for, and to benefit OUR Credit Card Companies at the Expense of Average Americans
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer “Protection” Act* *(AKA The Corporate Reach Around and Consumer Exploitation Act): Billionaires, Big Business, and This Guy say, Line OUR Pockets!! This Bill MUST PASS!!
Billionaires UNITE!! – Hard Working Americans who will be bilked by this bill are signing the online petition through the link below and telling Every Congressperson to speak for the interests of Average Americans and NOT our Credit Card Companies who will reap Billions off Hard Working Americans while letting OUR OWN Corporations Continue to Abuse the System!! Time is of the essence!! Give Congress another BIG FAT CHECK and tell them YES!! For Debt Slavery and YES!! on the Bankruptcy Bill Right Now!
Brought to you by A Billionaire’s TO DO List: 1. Call your Congressmen 2. Pass this on 3. Visit our Website 4. Get Involved 5. Join a Local B4B Chapter Near You For more information on the Bankruptcy Bill in Congress, visit
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