Warm Girder UHV Components John Heckman Anthony DiPette Vacuum Group 2/29/2016
Page 2 Warm Girder UHV Components Warm Girder Components Girder Tunnel Installation Warm Girder Viewer Bellows Replacements
Page 3 Warm Girder Components Non Vacuum Parts: Girder Pedestal Quad Corrector Quad Girder Pedestal Corrector
Page 4 Warm Girder Components Vacuum Parts: Beamline Valve Beamline Bellows Pump Drop w/ VIP, Viewer, Viewer Window, Pirani Gage, Rt. Angle Valve Beamline Valve Bellows Viewer & Window Pump Drop VIP, Pirani Gage Rt. Angle Valve
Page 5 Warm Girder Components Vacuum Parts: Spool Piece BPM Spool Piece Bellows Fast or Slow Valve Fast or Slow Beamline Valve Bellows BPM Spool Piece
Page 6 Warm Girder Components Vacuum Parts: VAT BL Valve Stainless Steel, Viton gate seal
Page 7 Warm Girder Components Vacuum Parts: Beamline Bellows and Spool Stainless Steel Pump Drop w/ VIP, Viewer, CF Viewer Window, Pirani Gage, Rt Angle Valve SS Pump Drop VIP CV- SS, Ceramic, Titanium Viewer-Stainless Steel Viewer Window-SS, Pyrex/Quartz Pirani - Stainless Steel Rt Angle Valve-SS, Cu sealing gasket
Page 8 Girder Tunnel Installation Installation Group: Install Pedestal and Girder Survey & Alignment Group: Align Pedestal and Girder Vacuum Group: BL Vacuum Connect
Page 9 Girder Tunnel Installation Beamline Vacuum Connect: Laminar Flow hood set-up. Doc no. : 11108S4205 Equipment used: Laminar Flow hood with plastic curtains Oxygen sensor Cleanroom garments Reynolds 624 foil Cleanroom tools Isopropyl alcohol Spray 9 degreaser (for the floor) Let Laminar flow hood run a 2-3 hours to clean up (Tribal Knowledge)
Page 10 Girder Tunnel Installation Beamline Vacuum Connect (Doc No S4204, 11238S3803) Connect SS vacuum hose to rt angle ss valve on warm region pump drop inside the laminar flow hood. Pump and purge the hose up to closed rt angle valve through.5 micron filter with GN2 six times. Wait for Turbo to get to minus 7 range Open rt angle valve to turbo pump Perform leak check at turbo hose to rt angle valve connection. Vent girder to GN2 Un bolt Conflat blanks on girder Keep a steady N2 purge on girder while bolting girder connections to the CM VAT valves. Beamline Vacuum Connect Pump, leak check, re establish vacuum
Page 11 Warm Girder Viewer Bellows Replacements 12 Locations Viewer Location New Bellows 1L02Done 1L06Done 1L10Done 1L14Done 1L18Done 1L22Done 2L02Done 2L06Done 2L10Done 2L14Done 2L18Done 1L13Blanked Viewer Bellows Repair Assessment Report - Introduction of Contaminants to NL and SL Cryomodules (300K cryocycle required) Summer 2015 SAD CryomoduleContamination_RARWorkspace_083115\RAR (Report)
Page 12 Reference Information VIPs- Perkin-Elmer -30 L/s D-1 Type ion pump CEBAF spec 11230S0011 Gages- MKS Pirani-P/N Valves- VG-Vacuum Generator All metal Valve CR 38R/A Bellows- Warm Region Beam Tube assembly D-0125
Contractor Assurance System Briefing M Dallas October 2010 Page 13 Tunnel Laminar Flow Hood