KENTUCKY TEACHER DISTRIBUTION WHAT WE KNOW Approximately 38% of student teachers are hired in the district in which they student taught Approximately 38% of student teachers are hired in the district in which they student taught Approximately 27% of educators employed in Kentucky are employed in their district of origin Approximately 27% of educators employed in Kentucky are employed in their district of origin Approximately 64% of individuals who found jobs teaching within KY were employed in the same geographical region as their Educator Preparation Program Approximately 64% of individuals who found jobs teaching within KY were employed in the same geographical region as their Educator Preparation Program
KENTUCKY TEACHER DISTRIBUTION WHAT WE KNOW Based on data from the Kentucky Educational Professional Standards Board concerning the number of teachers coming out of educator preparation programs, the state should have enough certified teachers to fill open positions. Kentucky produces more elementary teachers than is needed to fill positions. The problem is that certified teachers are not choosing to seek positions where the job vacancies exist.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RECRUITING TEACHERS Hosting student teachers Hosting student teachers Identify areas of need early in the year. Identify areas of need early in the year. Contact regional educator preparation programs and make them aware of district needs and get contact information for potential candidates Contact regional educator preparation programs and make them aware of district needs and get contact information for potential candidates Contact educator preparation programs in all regions and make them aware of district needs Contact educator preparation programs in all regions and make them aware of district needs Attend job fairs in all regions in order to recruit candidates Attend job fairs in all regions in order to recruit candidates
THE EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS Adopt a "grow your own" philosophy and encourage students in your schools to pursue a teaching major in those identified areas of need Implement an Educators Rising (formerly Future Teachers of America) program in schools