Reporting Timelines & [other initiatives]
Timelines & [other initiatives] PASSPORT TO PROSPERITY (P2P) Reports & Tracking Cooperative effort between regional school boards KPDSB, RRDSB, KCDSB, NWCDSB, Seven Generations P2P Employer Registration Form Developed this year Short, mid and long-term commitment from employers Work plan submitted yearly
Timelines & [other initiatives] PASSPORT TO PROSPERITY (P2P) Reports & Tracking P2P interim report (January 31st each year) Report is based on submitted work plan and includes work plan deliverables, targets, progress to date Database of employers required (end of Semester 2) Number of registered employers Types of activities of interest to employers Priorities where possible, types of activities resulting, numbers of students involved
Timelines & [other initiatives] APPRENTICESHIP (OYAP) Reports & Tracking OYAP funding is provided to individual school boards Secondary school in KPDSB, RRDSB and KCDSB Yearly approvals are based on work plan Preliminary Placement Form (beginning of each semester) Developed last year for MTCU to approach employers One for each coop student placed in one of the skilled trades
Timelines & [other initiatives] APPRENTICESHIP (OYAP) Reports & Tracking Interim Report (January 31 st of each year) Student Trade Tracking Chart (start of each semester) add school name and semester Coop and OYAP placements, grades 11 & 12 The New Coop Advantage 2 compulsory credits, up to 3 placements
Timelines & [other initiatives] APPRENTICESHIP (OYAP) KPDSB – OYAP Participation Targets Planned Planned Actual Sem 1 Actual Sem 1 MaleFemaleMaleFemale 1. Total number of Grade 11 students Total number of Grade 12 students Total number of students registered OYAP Total number of graduates registered OYAP52N/A 5. Number of employers providing placementsTotal120Sem 1102/22
Timelines & [other initiatives] APPRENTICESHIP (OYAP) MTCU-EDU Priorities Performance measures The % of OYAP students who become registered during placement, are still registered at grad and have continued six months after grad The % of OYAP students who obtain their OSSD OYAP participation as a % of the total student population The number of employers providing OYAP placements and student employment as registered apprentices at graduation
Timelines & [other initiatives] APPRENTICESHIP (OYAP) Continuous Improvement Development Fund KPDSB awarded $30,600 from OYAP web portal Hosting employer apprenticeship forums Educators forum/student focus groups Front end: interactive, easy navigation, resources P2P/OYAP funding next year for hosting/maintenance/launch
Timelines & [other initiatives] THE WORK REPORT NEWSLETTER Submissions October 31 st and February 28 th yearly PDF forms available on Champion Employer Form Champion Apprentice Form Digital photos, head/shoulder, apprentice working with equipment, business and business owner with apprentice Parents Corner – authoured by school councils
Timelines & [other initiatives] SKILLS CANADA-ONTARIO Youth Exploring Technology Day April 12th, 2006 Dryden High School Elementary schools KPDSB – 16, NWCDSB – 4 Students will be introduced to the trades & technology Students will be exposed to the high school environment Opportunity to create a hands-on learning project Students will demonstrate the link between art, science and technology
For more information call (807) ext 2426 or visit the web site
Educators Gap Identification [Survey]