SBPS Strategic Plan DRAFT Revisions January, 2015 Report to Board of Education
Annual revision feedback Open Board of Education meeting for review from Executive Directors Administrators feedback (January meeting) Conversations with school staffs (January) Conversations with school parent groups (January) Board Retreat and Review (February 2) Final approval (February 9)
ONGOING FEEDBACK AND ACCOUNTABILITY District Performance Data – student achievement, perceptual feedback and other measurements deemed of significance in identifying district priorities. Central Leadership – initial development of essential, systemic goals and priorities. District Leaders – bring broadened perspective in development of specific goals and outcomes necessary to inspire school-based success. Board of Education – with involvement of greater community, provides direction and adoption of district expectations to Superintendent and staff. School Communities – provides ultimate feedback and accountability to the work. Subsequent District Performance Data – results determine the development, refinement and potential revision of existing goals and drive the development of new ones
Three Strategic Plan Areas of Focus Report to Board of Education 1.Quality Teaching and Instructional Programming 2.Safe, Efficient and Effective Practices 3.Strong Partnerships, Relationships & Equitable Schools
Quality Teaching and Instructional Programming Report to Board of Education
General Summary of Needs 1.Aligned Curricula 2.Effective Classroom Strategies 3.Evaluation System 4.Student Assessments 5.College and Career Readiness Strategies 6.High School Restructuring 7.AdvancED Review 8.Increased Graduation Rate
Aligned Curricula Action Learning guides will be utilized in all grades in Language Arts (Reading and Writing), Math, Science and in secondary Social Studies. Elementary Social Studies will be added with the adoption of new texts and materials in the Results Teaching and learning will be vertically and horizontally aligned and be consistent with Nebraska and/or other accepted standards.
Effective Classroom Strategies Action Teachers will utilize effective classroom strategies with a focus on: o Student Engagement o Literacy Development o School-Family Connections o Differentiated Instruction o Students performing below grade level/failing o Technology integration Results Quality teaching practices will support the increased achievement of all students including: High Achieving Learners, Children w/ disabilities; English Language Learners; and students of poverty. Competitively awarded, classroom based technology pilots will be conducted and evaluated.
Action SBPS staff will provide leadership at the State level in the development of certified staff evaluation processes and tools. Results The supervision and evaluation system will be more comprehensive, efficient and effective. Evaluation System
Student Assessments Action Common assessments and Checks 4 Learning will be implemented in all core classes, foreign language and others as developed. Results The SBPS Learning and Assessing Cycle will be implemented at all levels. This will drive re-teaching and intervention activities.
College and Career Readiness Strategies Action College and Career Readiness Strategies will all receive continued support, focus and consideration. o Advanced Placement o Career Academies o STEM o Dual Credit Results All students will attain credit through challenging and meaningful learning opportunities that provide multiple, post-graduate options.
Action SHS will collaboratively develop and implement well- researched reorganizational plans and structures to facilitate the implementation of Career Academy programming for all students. Results Implementation, consistent with Nebraska Rule 47, will respond to local, regional or state employment needs and demand for expertise. Coordinated career clusters will align with post- secondary educational and employment opportunities. High School Restructuring
Action SBPS will self-assess using the State’s AdvancED standards: o Purpose and Direction o Governance and Leadership o Teaching and Assessing for Learning o Resources and Support Systems o Using Results for Continuous Improvement Results Effective goal setting will enhance all schools and improve student achievement and the Fall 2015 State AdvancED External Review will be positive and productive. Advanced Ed Review
Action Documented student success strategies will be implemented at all levels that are specifically focused on clearly communicated academic expectations and supports. Results Failure rates will decrease and increased alternatives developed for those who do resulting in fewer credit deficiencies and increased on-time graduations. Increased Graduation Rate
Safe, Efficient and Effective Practices Report to Board of Education
1.SHS Renovation 2.Sound and Strategic Fiscal Management 3.Internal controls 4.School Safety 5.Transportation 6.Facilities 7.Quality Food Services 8.Revenue Optimization 1.SHS Renovation 2.Sound and Strategic Fiscal Management 3.Internal controls 4.School Safety 5.Transportation 6.Facilities 7.Quality Food Services 8.Revenue Optimization General Summary of Needs
Action – Construction, Funding and Expense tracking conducted efficiently, effectively and transparently. Result – Both Financial and Construction Bond Oversight Committees will be utilized and will continue to meet through the duration of the project. Action – Construction, Funding and Expense tracking conducted efficiently, effectively and transparently. Result – Both Financial and Construction Bond Oversight Committees will be utilized and will continue to meet through the duration of the project. SHS Renovation
Action – Responsive to trends and fluctuation of varied economic factors including available resources and enrollment growth. – Continue utilizing sound budgeting practices and operate in a fiscally responsible manner. Result – Budgeting will be accurate and clearly communicated reflecting student needs and district priorities. – Accounts will be at or below budgeted amounts. Action – Responsive to trends and fluctuation of varied economic factors including available resources and enrollment growth. – Continue utilizing sound budgeting practices and operate in a fiscally responsible manner. Result – Budgeting will be accurate and clearly communicated reflecting student needs and district priorities. – Accounts will be at or below budgeted amounts. Sound Fiscal Management
Action – Controls will be reviewed and modified as needed along with increased process automation. Result – Policies, processes and procedures will be clearly documented, understood and implemented with efficiency and consistency. Action – Controls will be reviewed and modified as needed along with increased process automation. Result – Policies, processes and procedures will be clearly documented, understood and implemented with efficiency and consistency. Internal controls
Action – All aspects of school safety will be adequately managed and monitored. Result – The prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery components of the District’s Comprehensive Plan will be in place districtwide. Action – All aspects of school safety will be adequately managed and monitored. Result – The prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery components of the District’s Comprehensive Plan will be in place districtwide. School Safety
Action – The District’s vehicle fleet and bus service will continue to be upgraded to meet the needs of students and staff. Result – Student and staff transportation will be of the highest quality. Action – The District’s vehicle fleet and bus service will continue to be upgraded to meet the needs of students and staff. Result – Student and staff transportation will be of the highest quality. Transportation
Action – The facility assessment plan will be finalized and will be prioritized for all district facilities. Result – Work plans, timelines and fiscal projections will be developed to renovate the high school and address other facility needs and assist in the prioritization of work. Action – The facility assessment plan will be finalized and will be prioritized for all district facilities. Result – Work plans, timelines and fiscal projections will be developed to renovate the high school and address other facility needs and assist in the prioritization of work. Facilities
Action – Continued compliance with USDA requirements in a manner that is optimally received by students. – An analysis of services by the nutritional services department will be performed. Result – Student satisfaction with school lunches will be maintained or increased as the federal “Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act” is implemented. With the attrition of key personnel in the nutritional services department, all facets of the operation will be reviewed including efficiencies, staffing, costs, menus etc. Action – Continued compliance with USDA requirements in a manner that is optimally received by students. – An analysis of services by the nutritional services department will be performed. Result – Student satisfaction with school lunches will be maintained or increased as the federal “Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act” is implemented. With the attrition of key personnel in the nutritional services department, all facets of the operation will be reviewed including efficiencies, staffing, costs, menus etc. Quality Food Service
Action – The State TEEOSA formula and other revenue sources will be closely monitored and influenced (when possible) to maximize District revenue. Result – Resources will be maximized through diligent monitoring and ongoing involvement in state/local decision-making and potential grant acquisition. Action – The State TEEOSA formula and other revenue sources will be closely monitored and influenced (when possible) to maximize District revenue. Result – Resources will be maximized through diligent monitoring and ongoing involvement in state/local decision-making and potential grant acquisition. Revenue Optimization
Strong Partnerships, Quality Relationships & Equitable Schools Report to Board of Education
1.Community Participation 2.Surveys and Data Collection 3.Effective Communication 4.Systemic Interventions 5.Diversity 6.Mental Health Services 7.Reduced Drop-Out Rate 8.Early Childhood Programming Elemntary Schools General Summary of Needs
Action – Parent, student and staff survey processes and associated data collection processes will support effective decision making. Result – The analysis of survey results and school/community data will effectively inform district decision making. Elemntary Schools Surveys and Data Collection
Action – Staff and parents will engage in meaningful collaboration, shared decision-making and productive partnerships. Result – Meaningful involvement will occur through identified structures and activities at each school and at the District level. Elemntary Schools Community Participation
Action – Internal and external communications will provide adequate information and support meaningful two-way dialog. Result – Improved internal and external communications and information management will occur. Elemntary Schools Effective Communication
Action – A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) will provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed academically and behaviorally in school. Result – Evidence based, systemic practices will support a rapid response to academic and behavioral needs, with frequent data-based monitoring and effective instructional decisions. Elemntary Schools Systemic Interventions
Action – Student diversity will be proportionately represented in participation levels in 1) extra-curricular activities and 2) advanced and specialized courses. – The diversity of instructional staff will be more closely aligned with student demographics. Result – All students will participate and achieve at high levels without regard to socio-economic status, (dis)ability, race or gender. – The demographics of instructional personnel will more closely align with that of our students. Elemntary Schools Diversity
Action – The district will have a complete and effective continuum of services for students in need of behavioral interventions and/or mental health services. Result – Students’ behavioral and mental health concerns will be identified and addressed within a collaborative, multi-tiered intervention and support model. This will include attention to students bullying of one another. Elemntary Schools Mental Health Services
Action – Re-Connect will continue to serve drop-outs aged and expelled students. Result – Dropout rates will be reduced. Elemntary Schools Decreased Drop-Out Rate
Action – Early Childhood Programming will be expanded in order to ensure more students enter kindergarten and primary grades academically prepared. Result – Enhanced, “universally designed” instructional strategies and programming will increase student access and participation at “grade level or above” general education curriculum. Elemntary Schools Early Childhood Programming