Chris Douse Director, ODMA Spring 2013
Purpose To study the effectiveness of the Crossroads program through an assessment of IPFW’s institutional data on Ivy Tech students transferring to IPFW.
What is Crossroads The Crossroads program is a partnership between IPFW and Ivy Tech, designed to help transfer students save time, money and credits. Students may take a variety of courses at Ivy Tech, and then transfer credits smoothly to IPFW. Additionally, Ivy Tech and IPFW have partnered to offer associate-to-bachelor's degree programs that allow students to earn an associate degree at Ivy Tech, then complete a bachelor's degree at IPFW.
Definitions Crossroads Cohort Groups Crossroads – Ivy Tech students with no IPFW college credit that transferred to IPFW through the program. Non-Crossroads – Any Ivy Tech student who transferred to IPFW and did not participate in Crossroads and has no previous IPFW college credit. Retention – 1 st year to 3 rd year 1 st semester to 3 rd semester Transfer Shock - as the decline in transfer students’ grades for a period of time after arriving at a new campus. Transfer Ecstasy – the increase in the students grade for a period of time after transferring to a new campus.
Methodology Quantitative Study Because the population of students (N = 1208 ) was small we look at all of the students. Variables were selected based off the literature. We used descriptive statistics and more complex statistical methods to analyze the data. Simple counts and means Regression Analysis Kim Myers, IPFW Crossroads Advisor, was interviewed about the program.
Research Questions 1. Are Ivy Tech transfer students (who only have Ivy Tech transfer credit) that participate in Crossroads Advising program achieving higher (course completion rates, G.P.A., graduation rates) than Ivy Tech transfer students (who do not participate in Crossroads and have no IPFW credit) to IPFW? 2. What are the persistence and retention rates of both set of transfer students at IPFW?
Characteristics of the Study
Cohort Breakdowns
First Generation Status
Ivy Tech GPA Transferring to IPFW Note: There is no data for Summer 2010, because there were no Crossroads students.
1 st Term GPA at IPFW Note: There is no data for Summer 2010, because there were no Crossroads students.
Overall GPA Note: There is no data for Summer 2010, because there were no Crossroads students.
Non Crossroads Ivy Tech GPA by Group 1 st Year IPFW GPA
Crossroads Ivy Tech GPA by Group 1 st Year IPFW GPA
Retention to 2 nd Year Note: There is no data for Summer 2010, because there were no Crossroads students.
Retention to 3 rd Year Note: There is no data for Summer 2010, because there were no Crossroads students.
Retention to 4 th Year Note: There is no data for Summer 2010, because there were no Crossroads students.
Summary Ivy Tech Crossroads participants had the following: Stronger students based on high Ivy Tech GPAs upon transfer to IPFW. Higher Term GPAs from first semester to third semester Higher Overall GPAs Higher Retention second to third year
What are the causes for this success?
Significant Variables
Why Black? Hypothesis: Ivy Tech recruited higher performing Black students who come from a lower SES. Those students transferred to IPFW through Crossroads. IR examined the transfer GPA from Ivy Tech to IPFW for Black students and ran a correlation against high G.P.A.
Results – Bad News vs. Good News The hypothesis was wrong. The mean HS GPA of the Crossroad Blacks is 1.88 (n =2). The mean HS GPA of the non-Crossroad Blacks is 2.3 (n =29).
Retention Non Crossroads Crossroads
Summary GPA Retention Future Steps Focus Groups
Recommendations Intentionally connect transfer students to student success initiatives Create an orientation specific to transfer students. Identify and invite both groups of transfer sto program. Student Support Programs Identify at the Ivy Tech 2.0 – 2.9 transfer students and invite to join TriO Student Support Services, ASAP!, or Perkins Student Success program. Assign an advisor or grad student on the IPFW side to receive the student once the Crossroads advisor has assisted he or she with the transfer process.
Additional Program Recommendations Mentoring Program – Social Integration Organizational Structure Hire Coordinator Be responsible for administrative tasks (assessment, program development, strategic planning). Serve as a Liaison between Ivy Tech and IPFW concerning Crossroads. Advise students Increase marketing Develop marketing materials that demonstrate how the Ivy Tech degree will translate into IPFW degree. Continue working with Ivy Tech advisors to connect students to IPFW Crossroads advisor.
References Poisel, M. A., & Joseph, S. (Eds.). (2011). Transfer Students in Higher Education: Building Foundations for Policies, Programs, and Services That Foster Student Success. University of South Carolina: National Research Center for the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition. Tobolowsky, B. F., & Cox, B. E. (2012, May/June). Rationalizing Neglect: An Institutional Response to Transfer Students. The Journal of Higher Education, 83(3),
Acknowledgements Dr. Bill Baden, Senior Analyst, IR Dr. Robert Wilkinson, AVC,IR Dr. Bruce Busby, AVC, Academic Success Center Dr. George McClellan, VC, Student Affairs Ms. Kim Myers, Advisor, IPFW Crossroads Crossroads students that let me observe them! Dr. Gloria Rogers, ISU Internship Professor Dr. Kand McQueen, ISU Stats Professor