Cal Poly Pomona University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ 2015 Partial Assessment of Progress Presented to the University Strategic Planning Committee (USPC) 12/4/2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Cal Poly Pomona University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ 2015 Partial Assessment of Progress Presented to the University Strategic Planning Committee (USPC) 12/4/2014 Prepared by: Martin F. Sancho-Madriz, Ph.D. USPC member Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow and Shanthi Srinivas, Ph.D. Associate Vice President Academic Planning, Policy and Faculty Affairs 1

University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ 2015 Purpose of this presentation: To provide information on assessment of the University Strategic Plan (USP) that became effective in AY

University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ 2015 Assessment of progress towards USP goals Goals directly related to Academic Affairs addressed Data on metrics for selected strategies under each goal presented Available data reviewed for academic years 10-11, , and Trends observed but no specific benchmarks to assess strategies included AY used as baseline since it was first year of current USP 3

University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ 2015 Let’s look at the data… 4

Goal 1: A Student Population Aligned with the Academic Master Plan 5

Objective 1.1: Increase the quality of each entering undergraduate class, while maintaining our commitment to ethnic and cultural diversity 6

Strategy 1.1.1: Use recruitment and outreach to generate a strong applicant pool 7



Strategy 1.1.2: Identify program strengths and impact, implement prospective student outreach efforts that will position the university for increased state‐wide recognition 10

Strategy 1.1.2: Identify program strengths and impact, implement prospective student outreach efforts that will position the university for increased state‐wide recognition 11

Objective 1.2: Increase the number and quality of graduate students and graduate programs 12

Strategy 1.2.1: Seek opportunities and invest in programs with promise 13

Strategy 1.2.1: Seek opportunities and invest in programs with promise 14

Objective 1.3: Develop an admissions strategy to align each entering class with academic program targets developed by the colleges 15

Strategy 1.3.1: In consultation with faculty, review program capacities, prospects for growth, and workforce needs 16 Admission by specific academic programs is beginning its 4th year at CPP Fall 2014, most colleges within 5% of their entering enrollment goal (average of 3.2%), with the exception of Engineering (22.5%) and Science (15.5%) Program impaction went from 4 to 20 academic programs which increases the selectivity of admissions for specific academic programs Difference between program targets and new enrollment:

Goal 2: A Learning Organization Enhanced by a Culture of Evidence, Academic Excellence, and Scholarship 17

Objective 2.1: Strengthen opportunities for student learning 18

Strategy 2.1.3: Increase opportunities for students to acquire hands on learning experiences 19

Strategy 2.1.6: Develop and implement a plan for alternative modes of instruction (ex. online learning) that identifies and responds to faculty and student support needs 20

Objective 2.2: Continuously improve programs through assessment of student learning 21

Strategy 2.2.1: Develop and implement effective mechanisms for assessing student learning outcomes for curricular and co- curricular programs 22

Strategy 2.2.3: Conduct comprehensive program reviews for two to four departments per year 23

Objective 2.3: Improve infrastructure for learning and scholarship, including graduate studies 24

Strategy 2.3.2: Design and implement a plan for creating classrooms and other learning spaces and technology that support student engagement, learn by doing, and multiple ways of student learning throughout the disciplines 25 Between classroom upgrades 64 major classroom upgrades or build-outs, includes full classroom equipment 7 minor classroom upgrades, includes multiple IT devices added to a classroom Collins College Hilton Room created with enhanced array of presentation and interactive technologies in a flexible room design

Goal 3: Student Success through an Engaging Campus Experience 26

Objective 3.1: Facilitate students' progress toward degree 27

Strategy 3.1.2b: Develop ways to help students make informed choices about academic disciplines and majors early in their careers 28

Graduation Rates by College (this relates Objective 3.1 but was not included in strategies) 29

Objective 3.2 Facilitate and support the student as learner, researcher, and peer mentor 30

Strategy 3.2.1: Develop multidisciplinary research programs, encouraging active and meaningful student involvement in them 31

Goal 4: Excellence in Our Faculty and Staff 32

Objective 4.1. Foster a campus culture that supports the development of our faculty as teacher scholars and rewards excellence in innovation in teaching, scholarship and its integration 33

Strategy 4.1.2: Support faculty in their role as teacher-scholars through mentoring and other assistance, such as enhancing opportunities and incentives for faculty engagement in research, scholarship and creative activity, including interdisciplinary collaborations 34 Fig 15: Support for Teacher-Scholars (Source: APPFA and Research)

Strategy 4.1.5: Increase the number and proportion of tenure track faculty 35

Strategy 4.1.5: Increase the number and proportion of tenure track faculty 36

Objective 4.5 Document accomplishments and achievements of faculty and staff and recognize and reward performance. 37

Strategy 4.5.1: Provide annual showcase of successful uses of technology in teaching and learning 38

Goal 6: A Diverse, Global Perspective 39

Objective 6.1 Enhance understanding of the responsibilities of global citizenship and provide global learning and scholarship opportunities for students and faculty. 40

Strategy 6.1.1: Increase the number of collaborations, exchange programs, and study abroad programs with domestic and international partners 41

University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ Lessons learned USP goals, objectives and strategies need to be more concise and perhaps fewer Strategies need to be clearly stated and related to each goal and objective (graduation rates example) Establishment of clearly defined metrics must be completed when plan is drafted Source of data for metrics should be defined at the beginning as well Content of university/division/college/department annual reports should be aligned with metrics in USP

University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ Lessons learned continued... Benchmarks or targets to assess progress for each strategy should be clearly defined when plan is drafted Resources needed to achieve each strategy should be identified and listed in USP when new plan is drafted Assessment of USP should also include an evaluation of resource allocation towards each strategy Assessment of progress towards goals and resource allocation should be conducted on a annual basis to allow for implementation of corrective actions

University Strategic Plan 2011 ‐ Comments, questions?