Welcome to Statistics Denmark! Lars Thygesen Director, Sales & Marketing.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Statistics Denmark! Lars Thygesen Director, Sales & Marketing

Day 1:21 October Arrival, welcome and introduction Lars Thygesen Organisational Structure of Statistics Denmark Kirsten Wismer 11:30-12:00Contact with users of statistics Kirsten Wismer 12:00-12:30Micro-data and confidentiality Charlotte Nielsen, Research Services Lunch break Implementation of the strategy Bo Johansen, Management Office :30Work planning process Bo Johansen, Management Office :00Dissemination strategy Annegrete Wulff, Head of Dissemination 2

Day 2:22 October The Law model Mikael Kirk, The Law Model; Lars Thygesen Cooperation with the Central Bank of Denmark Kirsten Wismer, Casper Winther, Head of Balance of Payments 11:30-12:00Administration of Statistical Business Register Birgit Nielsen, Vibeke Skov Møller 12:00-12:30Cooperation with the Ministry of Education Christian Vittrup, Education Statistics Lunch break Jørgen Elmeskov, National Statistician :00Visit to the Central Bank of Denmark (Danmarks Nationalbank) 15:00-Sightseeing in Copenhagen 3

Day 3:23 October Coordination of data collection Hilmar Bojesen, Director, Business Statistics Quality work in Statistics Denmark Lars Thygesen, Mogens Grosen Nielsen Lunch break Metadata work Lars Thygesen, Mogens Grosen Nielsen Conclusions, final discussion and evaluation Lars Thygesen 4

5 Presenting Statistics Denmark – an overview 1.Key figures 2.Organisation 3.Data collection & the statistical information system 4.Dissemination of statistical information 5.Management planning system 5

Facts about Denmark  Constitutional monarchy  179 Members of Parliament  Area 43,000 km 2  Population (mill., Aug 2013) 5.6  Life expectancy ( )  Females 81.9  Males 77.9  Total fertility rate (2012) 1.73  Unemployment (Aug 2012) 6.2% 6

Statistics Denmark, Copenhagen 7

Historical and Legal Background 1769: First population census in Denmark 1850: Foundation of Statistics Denmark 1896: First Statistical Yearbook 1966: Act on Statistics Denmark 1970: The last traditional population census 1973: Denmark joins the EU 1981: First register-based population and housing census 1985: External online access to databases 1996: : ‘Statbank Denmark’ free-of-charge 2001: Online access to micro-data 8

Key figures for Budget: 54.5 M€ Staff : 526 employees (full-time equivalents) 151 of these are paid by own income Government grant Income from customers Financial contributions from ministries and EU Income from publications

Agenda 1.Key figures 2.Organisation 3.Data collection & the statistical information system 4.Dissemination of statistical information 5.Management planning system 10

Act on Statistics Denmark Act on Statistics Denmark, 1 July 1966  Latest amendment: December 2012 (digital reporting)  Professional independence  The Board  Access to data  Coordination of the statistical system  Budget & personnel: Minister of Economic Affairs (& Interior)  Future: European Statistics Act? 11

Organisation 12

Agenda 13 1.Key figures 2.Organisation 3.Data collection & the statistical information system 4.Dissemination of statistical information 5.Management planning system

Data Acquisition 1. Registers 2. Surveys 3. Interviews 14

Sources n Surveys and interviews5 % n Administrative registers 95 % Very rough estimates! 15

Why use administrative sources?  It is cheap -provided the data are already there  It is fast  No response burden  Total population coverage  Without non-response  Data quality may be outstanding 16

…and why not…  With a survey you start with the questions and you must find the answers  With registers you have the answers and must estimate the needed variables  You are dependent on administrations  data breaks 17

The register model 18 Person Unique identifier: Person number Workplace Unique identifier: Workplace no. Building & Dwelling Unique identifier: Exact address

The Statistical Information System 19 Person ID: Person Number Business ID: CBR-Number Building & Dwelling ID: Address Health Tax Employ- ment Educa- tion Social CPR 1968 BDR 1977 CBR 1975 Survey Inter- view VAT

Access to Information  Public authorities must supply information  Private businesses must supply information within the legal framework  Act on Statistics Denmark  EU legal acts  Non-compliance is sanctioned  Individuals have no obligations 20

Agenda 1.Key figures 2.Organisation 3.Data collection & the statistical information system 4.Dissemination of statistical information 5.Management planning system 21

Electronic publication - increasingly important  Updating each day at 9:00 am  Web site:  Daily Newsletter ( )  Statbank Denmark: 22

Most important channel: Online access to Statbank DenmarkStatbank Denmark  Billions of numbers  More than 1,500 detailed tables  In English and Danish  Updated every day at 9:00 am  Free-of-charge  2.2 million retrievals per year 

StatBank Denmark - continued  Links to documentation  Declaration of Quality  Concepts  Links to publications  Output formats: Excel, PC-AXIS, SAS etc.  Maps and graphs  Saved queries  Create your own table 24

Commercial surveys: Interview section  13 permanent staff  40 trained interviewers  No field staff  CATI - Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing  CAWI - web  Customers include private companies, researchers and government institutions  Revenue 2013: 2.7 M€ 25

Online access to micro data  Only for researchers and analysts from authorized research and analysis environments  Special servers separated from the statistical production  The de-identified micro data (individuals and businesses) remain at Statistics Denmark  Outputs with statistical results are forwarded by  Strict data security measures and severe sanctions if the rules are not complied with  Revenue 2013: 2.1 M€ 26

Agenda 1.Key figures 2.Organisation 3.Data collection & the statistical information system 4.Dissemination of statistical information 5.Management planning system 27

The Planning System Strategy 2015 Long-term objectives Feedback 1. Annual Work Programme 2. Performance-based contract with Ministry 3. Departmental contracts 4. Contracts at the level of division 1. Annual Work Programme 2. Performance-based contract with Ministry 3. Departmental contracts 4. Contracts at the level of division Specific annual goals The annual report External and internal surveys The annual report External and internal surveys Results, evaluation and feedback 28

The End!