Center for Workforce Information & Analysis Kim DeLellis Spring 2011 Industries & Occupations: Keystones of LMI
2 Agenda Terminology Examining Industries Exploring Occupations
3 Industry – the type of business or organization where you work Occupation – the job duties that you actually do at work Example: Industry - Hospital Occupation - Nurse Terminology
4 Examining Industries Jobs Data (Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages) Industry Projections Targeted Industry Clusters Location Quotients
5 Jobs Data Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW) Includes average number of establishments, employment & weekly wages Produced quarterly & annually for PA & all counties Available at the 2,3,4 or 5-digit NAICS level (NAICS = North American Industry Classification System)
6 Industry Projections Estimated employment levels and 10-year outlook for a specific industry Main input is QCEW data Developed at 4-digit NAICS level Produced every 2 years for PA, MSAs and WIAs Estimates, not exact counts Includes full- and part-time job holders
7 Industry Projections - Example
8 Targeted Industry Clusters (TICs) A group of industries that are closely linked by common product markets, labor pools, similar technologies, supplier chains and/or other economic ties. Activities that benefit one industry in the cluster often benefit other industries too PA has defined 11 clusters and 7 sub-clusters Cornerstone of Pennsylvania’s data-driven approach to workforce development
9 Targeted Industry Clusters (TICs) Advanced Materials & Diversified Mfg ( AMDM ) Chemicals, Rubber & Plastics Electronics Metals & Metal Fabrication Printing Vehicle & Vehicle Equipment Agriculture & Food Production ( AFP ) Bio-Medical ( BM ) Building & Construction ( BC ) Business & Financial Services ( BFS ) Business Services Finance & Insurance Education ( ED ) Energy ( ENGY ) Health Care ( HC ) Information & Communication Services ( ICS ) Logistics & Transportation ( LT ) Lumber, Wood & Paper ( LWP )
10 Location Quotients (LQ) A location quotient (LQ) is another measure of industry strength LQ’s compare local employment with its share of national(or state) employment. An LQ > 1 indicates more employment locally than typically expected. This implies a possible competitive advantage.
11 Occupational Employment Projections Competition Occupational Wages Other Data Elements Real-Time Information Exploring Occupations
12 Long-Term Occupational Projections Estimated employment levels and 10-year demand for a specific occupation Openings due to growth or industry expansion Openings needed to replace workers who vacate, change jobs or leave the labor force because of death, retirement, disability or withdrawal for personal reasons Based largely on employer input to the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey Full- and part-time workers, incl. agriculture, private household, unpaid family and self-employed Produced every two years for state, MSAs and WIAs
13 Occupational Projections - Example
14 Local Area Projections
15 Connecting Industries & Occupations Staffing patterns identify the occupations that are most commonly found within the selected industry Occupations may “compete” for workers across various industries/clusters.
16 Occupational Wages Annual & hourly wages Average, Median, Entry & Experienced Levels Includes full- and part-time workers Cross-industry information available for: PA, MSA, WIA & County Occupation wages by industry available for statewide only.
17 Occupational Wages - Example
18 Other Data Elements Also need to consider how many people are already available to fill a job. Current Employment Occupational Unemployment Rates Training Completers vs. Openings
19 Real-Time: Help Wanted Online (HWOL) Data Real-time data set that measures employer demand through the universe of online job postings Job postings come from sites such as Monster, CareerBuilder, employer sites and state job boards CWIA compiles the postings into lists by industry, occupation and employer Readily available in CWIA’s Fast Facts publication
20 CWIA Contact Info Customer Response Line: On the web: Kim DeLellis