Help filling data gaps on beach litter for policy implementation (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) and assessments (EEA) Collaborate with existing communities, as well as provide a setup for new ones to emerge Explore benefits of involving citizens in collecting and monitoring of marine litter Support a collective approach to managing marine litter, by engaging with government bodies, industry & citizens Marine LitterWatch aims
Concept The past The future?
How does it work?
Monitoring vs Clean-up Events MSFD Guidelines 2013 Monitoring events need to follow the MSFD guidelines Communities responsible for adopting monitoring protocol and ensuring quality of data Capacitation need: communication and training of event organizers & volunteers
Monitoring vs Clean-up Events Standardized protocol – MSFD Engage with public autorities Selected beaches (based on agreed criteria) Regular surveys (covering 4 seasons; same time) Fixed survey area on the beach Survey length 100m; from water line to dune Register litter items from MSFD “master list” Items bigger than 2,5cm Set-up beach & events in MLW webportal Use full list in app Quality check data at the end No need for protocol Set-up beach & events in MLW webportal or app Register litter from community (or default MLW) top 20 list in app Option to use full list in app
Marine LitterWatch – Community X events Total events: 187 Community logo
Marine LitterWatch – community X data Community logo Total items collected: 96377
Marine LitterWatch – community X data Community logo
Marine LitterWatch MLW data? MLW resources? MLW at a glance? MLW Technical support Useful links & Support
11 Thank you for helping us improve our knowledge about marine litter in Europe! Community logo