Scarecrow- Thanks for what you are going to do. I really appreciate your effort for trying to help me. Animals- Well after all, you saved our lives and all the forest, we should thank you! Possums- Come on, It´s time to leave. Animals- whispering- Surprised Animals and Croowz- Good luck! Owl Leader- Destination New Zealand, everyone in!
Possums- Where are we? Are we in New Zealand already? Owl Leader- I don´t now but my insctint tells me to go on this way. Possums And the Other Olws- But we have been lost for five days already! Owl Leader- I don´t care. I´m in charge of this expedition, not you!
Owl Leader- I think we are lost Possums and Owls- Angry- Well, lets go back. When they looked back, a huge clowd of snow was coming towards them. They tried to escape but they couldn´t.
Old Penguin- Finally you wake up! Owls- Where are we? Old Penguin- You are in Alaska, of course. The most cold state in the world. Possums- Ah, It´s really cold. Old Penguin- Yes, and it is colder outside. Tell me, young travellers, why did you come to my lands? Were you searching for something? Owl Leader- We were looking for a scarecrow, have you seen one arround? Old Penuin- In Alaska they are not very common but I do have one here, or maybe a half. What do you want it for? Owl Leader- We need it to help our friend. 2nd Owl At Charge- We still don´t know if it comes alive or how we are going to get back to Australia. Old Penguin- The legend sais “if you complete the puzzle a wonderful being will reborn”. Owl Leader- Shut up and concentrate. We must take this stuff to Croowz. 2nd Owl At Charge- But it´s to heavy. How are we supposed to take it to Croowz if we can´t even lift it up? Old Penguin- Ah doesn´t matter. I know some friend that have travelled all over the world. The will surelly know where your country is and will help you carry the pieces. Come, follow me…
Old Penguin- Here we are. Charlie The Condor- Hello Garry, how are you? Old Penguin- Fine, thanks. I came here with this friends to ask you for a favor. Jeff The Condor- Ok, but from now on we owe you nothing. What do you need? Old penguin- We need you to transport some stuff to Australia. Charlie The Condor- Ok, what are we waiting for? Lets go!
Dolphin- A shark is coming! Help! Charlie The Condor- Run! I will distract him. Take the other part Gerry. Suddenly the shark jumped from the water and bit Charlie. It took him down to the water. - Gerry The Condor- No! Then the shark started to swim. It seemed like he was escaping from something or someone … Then a huge whale came out of the water with Charlie on its back. Charlie the condor- Thanks for saving me. Whale- Where were you going to? I think you won´t be able get there like this. Charlie- We were going to Australia. Whale- Oh, I love Australia! Let me take you there. Garry- Lets go!
Whale- Everyone down, we´re here. Owls, Possums and Condors- Thank you. Garry- Come on Charlie, lets go home Possums- Lets call some animals to help us to carry the scarecrow. Owls- Now we are a lot and we can lift and give the pieces to Croowz.
After Croowz put the parts together the scarecrow came to life. The two Scarecrows instantly fell in love and lived happily ever after. Eliana Gawer, Camila Man and Eric Surek.