A Riverboat Tour of Ancient Egyptian Monuments Along the Nile River
Cairo Museum
Palette of Narmer
Role of Pharaohs Egyptians believed he was a good god, responsible for keeping Egyptian society in order as well as protecting Egypt from its enemies.
Deir el-Bahri
Old Kingdom lasted from 2686 – 2181 B.C. often called The Age of the Pyramids built the first pyramids stable rulership under pharaohs was established
Middle Kingdom lasted from 1991 – 1786 B.C. known as the Period of Reunification great achievements in art, literature, and architecture This scene is from the tomb of Ti, an important official in the Middle Kingdom.
New Kingdom lasted from 1554 – 1070 B.C. known as Egypt’s Golden Age pharaohs were interested in conquest, expansion, and construction of monuments on a grand scale