Introduction to Paul Saul/Paul had a strong Jewish heritage He was a persecutor of the early church He was visited by Jesus (post-ascension) He became an Apostle (to the Gentiles) He traveled much, starting many churches He wrote many letters—we have 13 plus one sermon entitled “Hebrews” His letters are arranged according to length, longest to shortest Saul/Paul had a strong Jewish heritage He was a persecutor of the early church He was visited by Jesus (post-ascension) He became an Apostle (to the Gentiles) He traveled much, starting many churches He wrote many letters—we have 13 plus one sermon entitled “Hebrews” His letters are arranged according to length, longest to shortest
Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey
Paul’s 2 nd Missionary Journey
Paul’s 3 rd Missionary Journey
Paul’s Journey to Rome
Paul’s Letters After 1 st missionary journey (1)-Galatians* On 2 nd missionary journey (2)-1-2 Thess. On 3 rd missionary journey (3)-Romans 1-2 Cor. During 1 st Roman imprisonment (4)-Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon Before/during 2 nd imprisonment (3)-1-2 Timothy Titus *Titles are recipients; the General Epistle titles are senders After 1 st missionary journey (1)-Galatians* On 2 nd missionary journey (2)-1-2 Thess. On 3 rd missionary journey (3)-Romans 1-2 Cor. During 1 st Roman imprisonment (4)-Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon Before/during 2 nd imprisonment (3)-1-2 Timothy Titus *Titles are recipients; the General Epistle titles are senders
Standard Structure of Paul’s letters Letter Beginning: –Senders: Paul is rarely the only author, but one or more co- authors are usually mentioned –Recipients: These letters are not addressed to all the people in the respective cities, but only to small groups of Christian believers –Formulaic Greeting: Paul combines a variation of the usual Greek greeting (chaire - "Grace") and the common Jewish greeting (shalom - "Peace“) –Thanksgiving: Paul almost always gives thanks to God for something about the recipients (their faith, hope, and love, or the good example they give for other Christians).
Standard Structure of Paul’s letters Letter Body –Initial Exhortation –Thesis Statement –Theological Discussions –Ethical Admonitions
Standard Structure of Paul’s letters Letter Conclusion –Practical Matters –Individual Greetings –Personal Postscript –Doxology (or Prayer)
GALATIANS Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Galatia, modern Turkey Theme: “Freedom in Christ” Issue of non-Jews being Christian Paul addressed the role of the Law, the relationship with the spirit and the Law, and the role of freedom in respect of Gods law. *Writes of immorality will lead to hell Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Galatia, modern Turkey Theme: “Freedom in Christ” Issue of non-Jews being Christian Paul addressed the role of the Law, the relationship with the spirit and the Law, and the role of freedom in respect of Gods law. *Writes of immorality will lead to hell
1 THESSALONIANS Author: Paul, Silas, Timothy (from Corinth) Audience: Christians in Thessalonica, northern Greece, persecuted by Jews Theme: “Righteous living in the last days ” See I Thess. 4:13-18 on the death of the faithful and resurrection. *Response after Timothy’s report after his visit. Author: Paul, Silas, Timothy (from Corinth) Audience: Christians in Thessalonica, northern Greece, persecuted by Jews Theme: “Righteous living in the last days ” See I Thess. 4:13-18 on the death of the faithful and resurrection. *Response after Timothy’s report after his visit.
2 THESSALONIANS Author: Paul, Silas, Timothy (from Corinth) Audience: Christians in Thessalonica, curious about the last days Theme: “Comfort in the last days” Christ is coming, and it will be cataclysmic Before His return, the world will turn against God and a description of other conditions before Jesus’ return Keep working hard until Jesus’ return Moral conduct is expressed in faith, hope, and love Author: Paul, Silas, Timothy (from Corinth) Audience: Christians in Thessalonica, curious about the last days Theme: “Comfort in the last days” Christ is coming, and it will be cataclysmic Before His return, the world will turn against God and a description of other conditions before Jesus’ return Keep working hard until Jesus’ return Moral conduct is expressed in faith, hope, and love
ROMANS Author: Paul (from Corinth) Audience: Christians in Rome, mainly Gentiles, some Jews Theme: “Our Salvation is Paid in Full” Structure of Romans:Doctrine (1-11) Practice (12-16) He wrote this to the Roman community before he came there while being arrested Author: Paul (from Corinth) Audience: Christians in Rome, mainly Gentiles, some Jews Theme: “Our Salvation is Paid in Full” Structure of Romans:Doctrine (1-11) Practice (12-16) He wrote this to the Roman community before he came there while being arrested
1 CORINTHIANS Author: Paul & Sosthenes (from Ephesus, see 16:8) Audience: Christians in Corinth, commercial crossroad in Med. Sea, mainly Gentiles, some Jews Theme: “The wisdom of God is the cross” To resolve internal problems and moral issues in the community - Eucharist and worship ch What is love ch Resurrection – Jesus and us ch. 15 Author: Paul & Sosthenes (from Ephesus, see 16:8) Audience: Christians in Corinth, commercial crossroad in Med. Sea, mainly Gentiles, some Jews Theme: “The wisdom of God is the cross” To resolve internal problems and moral issues in the community - Eucharist and worship ch What is love ch Resurrection – Jesus and us ch. 15
2 CORINTHIANS Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Christians in Corinth and throughout Achaia Theme: “Defense of Apostleship” “Apostle” should bring to mind “authority” with joy and change their hearts and actions *Displays Paul’s human side and emotions and places he visited Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Christians in Corinth and throughout Achaia Theme: “Defense of Apostleship” “Apostle” should bring to mind “authority” with joy and change their hearts and actions *Displays Paul’s human side and emotions and places he visited
Prison Epistles Four letters written by the Apostle Paul while he was in prison: Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon Four letters written by the Apostle Paul while he was in prison: Ephesians Philippians Colossians Philemon
EPHESIANS Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Ephesus, though perhaps originally a circular letter Theme: “The Church reveals God” Issues – Show how Jesus’ life and death is part of God’s great plan for the whole world Need to live united Address the relationships within Christianity and the Church structure under Christ We are Christian “soldiers” with armor 6:10-20 Christ is the head of the Church, many “body” images and metaphors Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Ephesus, though perhaps originally a circular letter Theme: “The Church reveals God” Issues – Show how Jesus’ life and death is part of God’s great plan for the whole world Need to live united Address the relationships within Christianity and the Church structure under Christ We are Christian “soldiers” with armor 6:10-20 Christ is the head of the Church, many “body” images and metaphors
PHILIPPIANS Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Christians in Philippi, first Christian community in Macedonia Theme: “joyfully suffering” (Paul is in prison) “joy” occurs 16 times Don’t argue among yourselves *Explains the Incarnation and why it is important Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Christians in Philippi, first Christian community in Macedonia Theme: “joyfully suffering” (Paul is in prison) “joy” occurs 16 times Don’t argue among yourselves *Explains the Incarnation and why it is important
COLOSSIANS Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Christians western modern Turkey town Theme: “the sufficiency of Christ” because of false teachings, such as Gnosticism, returning to Jewish rituals and actions, the power of spirits over Jesus, and need of real life charity Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Christians western modern Turkey town Theme: “the sufficiency of Christ” because of false teachings, such as Gnosticism, returning to Jewish rituals and actions, the power of spirits over Jesus, and need of real life charity PHILEMON Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Philemon & family in Colossae Theme: “Mercy to the guilty” A plead to Philemon for the slave and new Christian, Onesimus. What does Paul propose to Philemon? Author: Paul & Timothy Audience: Philemon & family in Colossae Theme: “Mercy to the guilty” A plead to Philemon for the slave and new Christian, Onesimus. What does Paul propose to Philemon?
Pastoral Epistles Three letters written to individuals before and during Paul’s second Roman imprisonment, after the events recorded in Acts. These letters were written by a pastor, to pastors, and contain pastoral material: 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus Three letters written to individuals before and during Paul’s second Roman imprisonment, after the events recorded in Acts. These letters were written by a pastor, to pastors, and contain pastoral material: 1 Timothy 2 Timothy Titus
1 TIMOTHY Author: Paul Audience: Timothy (in Ephesus) as a pastor Theme: “Ethics of the faith” Three issues - Guard against false teachers, role of worship and leaders, especially Bishops, and how to be a good leader Author: Paul Audience: Timothy (in Ephesus) as a pastor Theme: “Ethics of the faith” Three issues - Guard against false teachers, role of worship and leaders, especially Bishops, and how to be a good leader 2 TIMOTHY Author: Paul Audience: Timothy (in Ephesus) Theme: “Ministry of the Pastor” Encourages Timothy to keep going, Paul is near the end of his life as he approaches Rome Author: Paul Audience: Timothy (in Ephesus) Theme: “Ministry of the Pastor” Encourages Timothy to keep going, Paul is near the end of his life as he approaches Rome
TITUS Author: Paul Audience: Titus (in Crete) Theme: “Good deeds” (occurs 7 times) Titus was a Gentile, not a Jewish Christian Titus was a leader in the Christian group that needed strong leadership and this letter is one to encourage Titus in a developing Church on the island of Crete Author: Paul Audience: Titus (in Crete) Theme: “Good deeds” (occurs 7 times) Titus was a Gentile, not a Jewish Christian Titus was a leader in the Christian group that needed strong leadership and this letter is one to encourage Titus in a developing Church on the island of Crete
General Letters on Faith and Behavior: Hebrews, and the Catholic Epistles Key Topics/Themes General epistles portray God’s revelation through Jesus as final and complete Hebrews: Jesus as eternal High Priest is our mediator with God Believers must adhere to high standard of conduct
Introduction Addressed to Christians in general and not individual congregations Hebrews epistle is more of a sermon, than a letter The seven catholic (universal) epistles –James –1 and 2 Peter –1, 2, and 3 John –Jude
Hebrews Christ’s superiority to all other beings Christ—a priest like Melchizedek Exhortation to remain faithful Issues from Jewish faith connected to Jesus –Moses – Jesus is the new Moses –Angels – Very important, but Jesus is greater –High Priest – Jesus is the Highest priest, offering a perfect, one-time sacrifice –Sacrifice – Jesus paid with his own life for forgiveness of all sins
James Trials and temptations Respect for the poor Faith lives only through good works Controlling the tongue Warnings against exploitation of poor ** Addressed to the 12 tribes in the dispersion
I Peter The privileges and values of a Christian calling The obligations and responsibilities of Christian life The ethical meaning of suffering as a Christian Written to the 5 provinces in Asia Minor
II Peter Strong images warning of false teachers and false teachings Last book written in NT- 130 AD Reason for the delay of the Parousia –Time to humans vs. time to God –The end will come like a thief in the night
I John Presence of opponents in author’s community as evidence that the “last hour” has arrived Author emphasizes presence of Holy Spirit (Paraclete) in the community Advocates ability to distinguish “spirit of truth” from “spirit of error” Two tests for membership in the community
II and III John 2 John –Addressed to presbyters in house church –Warns of anti-Christ figures who deny physical humanity of Jesus 3 John –A private letter to “Gaius” –Requests that Gaius extend hospitality to emissaries from the author’s congregation –Warning against loud, convicting preachers
Jude Named for a distant relative of Jesus Warning against immorality, hedonism, worship of Baal and other idols.
Summary An anthology of miscellaneous Christian writings Documents attributed to various leaders in Jerusalem church Interests –Defense of church order –Defense of various theological positions –Defense of traditional eschatology –Defense of Christian morality