An Elephant Grazing Jeremiah Thomas Daniel Conrad Katie Gilles
Design Goals Simple Parts Effortless Assembly Aesthetically Pleasing Trouble-free Mobility Low Cost
How It Works One golf ball is released which triggers the release of several other balls. All balls steadily fall into bucket lifting weight.
Calculations Ug=mgh KE=(1/2)mv 2 Us=(1/2)kx2 Ug=mgh KE=(1/2)mv 2 Ug=mgh Conservation of Energy
Costs Dowels (square) $4.76 Dowels (round) $.78 Supports (1” x 2”) $2.44 Ramp (Fascia Board) $1.94 Golf Balls $3.99 Glue (Tube) $1.68 Rubber Bands (Pack) $.99 Cardboard (Toilet Rolls) $.20 Ball Bearings $3.99 Total:$20.77
Conclusion Quick Construction Easily Adjustable Stress Free Extremely Sensitive Low Consistency Complex Parts ProsCons