Steering Meeting | November 18 Fiscal Update Revenues have exceeded the forecast MOE requirement recommendations: –Alignment with other programs –Timeframe established for feedback regarding fiscal monitoring –Prioritize technical assistance and information sharing among states
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan The overall purpose of the stakeholder group is to provide input to the CDE to develop and scale up a State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) that provides supports for local educational agencies to improve outcomes for students with disabilities who are also foster youth, English learners, and/or eligible for free and reduced price meals.
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan Participants will have: – Reviewed and discussed infrastructure elements proposed in the Phase I SSIP – Provided input related to improving the alignment of the SSIP to the LCFF/LCAP – Discussed methods for increasing coordination of multiple programs and services for students with IEPs who are also foster youth, English learners, and/or eligible for free and reduced price meals – Assisted the CDE to develop criteria for selecting evidence based practices, support materials, and expert consultants to be deployed in support of LEAs to achieve state identified measureable results – Reviewed and discussed proposals regarding use of Implementation Science to maximize the effectiveness of the tiered systems of SSIP support – Provided input on the components of the SSIP evaluation including how the stakeholders will continue to be involved in assessing annual SSIP implementation and outcomes October meeting November meeting January meeting
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan Percentage of Students with IEPs for all Populations: 10.9%
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan California considered several potential measures including: The frequency of suspensions and expulsions Graduation rate Scores on statewide academic assessments
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan Sample of Indicator #17
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan Sample of Indicator #17
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan The state anticipates that they will provide additional data and calculations to assist districts to: focus on the students receiving special education services who are in the high-need target student groups and assess how they are performing relative to similar students who do not receive special education services.
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan
Steering Meeting | November 18 State Systemic Improvement Plan All districts have access to Tier 1 resources. All those below the target will be advised of these resources. Districts who are below the target and getting worse will be urged to participate in CDE funded TA Districts who continue to get worse will be required to participate in CDE sponsored improvement. Tiered Intervention and supports are at the heart of the SSIP Theory of Action:
Steering Meeting | November 18 Gender Identity Practice New law as of January 2014 requires schools to allow students who identify as transgender to use school facilities that most correspond to their gender identity: All students have a right to privacy including transgender status Disclosure of student transgender identity may only be allowed by the law or by the student and their parents Students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity Official records of transgender students: LEA’s must maintain mandatory pupil records that includes a student’s legal name and gender LEA’s are not required to use a student’s legal name and gender on day-to-day school work A change to a student’s official record to reflect a legal name and/or gender can only be done upon documentation from a court order When LEA’s are required by law to use or report a transgender student’s legal name or gender (i.e. standardized testing) the LEA should adopt practices to avoid inadvertent disclosure of confidential information
Steering Meeting | November 18 Dear Colleague Letter 10/23/15 IDEA does not prohibit the use of the terms dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia in evaluation, eligibility determinations, or IEP documents SLD eligibility list is not exhaustive RTI may not be used to delay or deny a full and individual evaluation of a child suspected of having a disability Documentation that a student has dyslexia, dyscalculia, or dysgraphia should be taken into consideration and documented in the IEP IDEA does not dictate the service or accommodations to be provided
Steering Meeting | November SELPA Annual Report
ERMHS Updates Steering Meeting | November 18 Received 229 MH plans (87% of the schools in the SELPA) Service counts as of Nov 2=2,481 (26% increase) Currently 21 Level 3 NPS/Residential placements At this time level 2 (5.4Mil) and Level 3 (2.5Mil) is sufficient to fund per guidelines Ensure that if warranted BIS (code 535) include an additional MH service and the student has a current BIP in place and uploaded to SEIS Dec 1 will be the official count Budgets are be due by January 15th
CASEMIS TOP Review and correct CASEMIS errors and warnings daily. 2. Avoid making any changes to the future IEPs. 3. Remember that CASEMIS is pulled at the end of day on December 1, If changes in the future IEP are necessary, pay caution to the blue/red boxes. 5. Check your regularly for updates from your assigned SELPA Program Technicians. 6. Avoid changing “pending” students to “eligible” students. 7. Watch for DINC issues. 8. Check “Shared Searches” in SEIS. 9. Watch for the most common errors during CASEMIS reporting. 10. Feel free to contact your assigned SELPA Program Technician for assistance.
Special Ed Legal Alert Steering Meeting | November 18 Summary: The U.S. District Court for Southern California issued a preliminary injunction ordering a student to "stay put" at a private school placement after the student transferred school districts and the student's new district suggested an interim placement at one of its public schools. D.G. v. San Diego Unified School District, 115 LRP (Sept. 21, 2015). Ruling: When a dispute arises under IDEA involving a transfer student, a student's new school district satisfies IDEA by implementing the last agreed upon IEP or, if that is impossible, by adopting a plan that approximates the last agreed-upon IEP as closely as possible. Here,San Diego could not argue that it was impossible to continue student's placement because San Diego had other students actively placed at the same private school.
Report Templates Steering Meeting | November 18 Two templates in SEIS: Psychoeducational ERMHS Aligns with Federal and State Law Bulleted guidelines to assist with complete and accurate information Engages parent participation
SELPA Professional Development Update Steering Meeting | November 18 Ensure staff is signed up and calendared to attend Please contact SELPA of inability to attend PD Online trainings provided on the website: Para Educator Series Prior Written Notice (PWN) SBAC and CAA Manifestation Determination Behavior Basics Digital Library Webinars on Supporting Students with Disabilities through SBAC