FY 2016 GPRA/GPRAMA update: CA Urban December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

FY 2016 GPRA/GPRAMA update: CA Urban December 2015

Retired GPRA measures as of FY 2016  Diabetes: LDL Assessment  Influenza Immunization 65+  Prenatal HIV Screening  FY 2015 was the final reporting year for these measures  All have been replaced with new measures

New GPRA Measures for FY 2016  There are four new GPRA measures for FY 2016  Diabetes: Statin Therapy to Reduce CVD Risk in Patients with Diabetes  tracks the percentage of patients with diagnosed diabetes who are statin therapy users.  Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Children 6 mo to 17 years  tracks the percentage of children ages 6 months to 17 years of age who receive an influenza vaccination  Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Adults 18+  tracks the percentage of adults ages 18 and older who receive an influenza vaccination.  (includes the patients previous covered in the Influenza 65+ measure)  HIV Screening Ever  tracks the percentage of patients ever screened for HIV.  The FY 2016 targets for all four measures will be to set a baseline rate.

Statin Therapy to Reduce CVD Risk in Patients with Diabetes Numerator: Patients who are statin therapy users during the report period or who receive an order (prescription) to receive statin therapy at any point during the report period Denominator: Active Diabetic patients ages 40 to 75 years, or age 21 and older with a documented CVD or an LDL greater than or equal to 190 (several exclusions apply – see next slide)  FY 2016 Target: Baseline

Statin Therapy to Reduce CVD Risk in Patients with Diabetes  Denominator Exclusions  The following patients will NOT be included in the denominator:  Patients with documented allergy, intolerance, or other adverse effects to statin medications  Patients who have an active diagnosis of pregnancy or who are breastfeeding  Patients who are receiving palliative care  Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)  Patients with diabetes whose most recent LDL result is less than 70 and who have never had an LDL result greater than or equal to 190 and who are not taking statin therapy

Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Children 6 months to 17 years Numerator: Patients with influenza vaccine documented during the report period or with a contraindication documented at any time before the end of the report period Denominator: Active Clinical patients ages 6 months to 17 years  FY 2016 Target: Baseline

Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Adults Ages 18+ Numerator: Patients with influenza vaccine documented during the report period or with a contraindication documented at any time before the end of the report period Denominator: Active Clinical patients ages 18 years and older  FY 2016 Target: Baseline

HIV Screening Ever Numerator: Patients who were screened for HIV any time before the end of the report period Denominator: User population patients ages 13 to 64 years with no recorded HIV diagnosis prior to the report period  FY 2016 Target: Baseline

Changes to existing measures  Alcohol Screening and Domestic Violence/Intimate Partner Violence Screening have denominator changes  Alcohol Screening  Previous denominator was female patients age  New denominator is female patients age  Domestic (Intimate Partner) Violence Screening  Previous denominator was patients age  New denominator is female patients age  These two measures now share a common denominator  The FY 2016 target will be to set a baseline rate for these measures

Getting ahead  The detailed logic for the new measures and the two measures with age range changes are in the CRS version 16.0 manual   CRS Version 16.0 was released at the end of November  CRS sites must use version 16.0 for 2 nd quarter reporting  Please refer to non-CRS reporting instruction for FY 2016 if you are not reporting from CRS

Reporting due dates for FY 2016  2nd Quarter: Friday, January 22, 2016  3rd Quarter: Friday, April 22, 2016  4th Quarter: Friday, July 22, 2016

FY 2016 GPRA/GPRAMA Webinars  November 19, 2015: Best Practices from High Performing Sites  December 3, 2015: CRS 16.0 Training  Thursday, January 7, 2016 (10am Pacific time): HIV Screening  (call-in information/flyer will be distributed soon)  February 2016*: Statin Therapy  March 2016*: GPRA 101 *Exact dates TBA

Also  Previously recorded webinars (CRS Training, Best Practices, Immunizations) are available at:   Questions?  National GPRA Support Team: