Advice and feedback provided by social work students for future students and practice educators following their first placement experience. Carol Dicken – Faculty Lead for Practice Education/Senior Lecturer School of Social Work Hayley Palfreyman – Social Worker and Independent Practice Educator 1 What I wish I’d known before my first practice placement NAEP Conference – Coventry Technocentre April 2016
Context Social work students generally undertake 200 days of practice learning during their course. We have both BA and MSW programmes and all students complete -: o 30 Skills Days (at least 15 before the first placement) o A 70 day First Placement o A 100 day Final Placement Placements are predominantly full-time although students return to the university for teaching and support Placement specific teaching and assessment is carried out by qualified social workers who are (or are training to be) practice educators The student’s tutor visits early in the placement to agree the Practice Learning Agreement and a meeting is held at the midway point to discuss progress and agree an action plan. 2
Why? However well we, as lecturers, believe we have prepared students for their first practice placement experience the reality often takes students by surprise. Sometimes a nice surprise – other times a shock! It is not helpful for us to say “I told you so!” (Even if we had – and sometimes we hadn’t!) We wondered what students wished they’d known before their first placement and whether this would be helpful to future students - so we decided to ask them. 3
How? Students return to the university for specific days to support their placement experience and to help them navigate the documents which provide evidence for their assessment. For the last two BA cohorts and the last MSW cohort, about 2 weeks before the end of their first placement, we asked students to discuss in small groups and feedback regarding o What they wished they had known at the start of the placement? o What advice would they give a student going on their first placement? o What was the best advice they had been given on placement and by whom?
What I wish I’d known… Portfolio “To start the evidence list from day one” “What a completed portfolio looks like” “It’s not as stressful as you think (if you keep it up to date)” Expectations “The amount of work I would be undertaking” “what was actually expected of a student social worker” “What work could be done at placement and what at home” “Be aware of your role and duties whilst on placement” Experience “That placement would take plenty of my time and impact on my family life.” “How busy other colleagues would be” “That it would be enjoyable and challenging” “How much responsibility I’d have for my own learning”
What I wish I’d known… (2) Power About power dynamics between practice educator and student. Personalities will clash How much power your PE has Knowledge Know theories/legislation used for your client group. Know the issues that affect your client groups. Information about the organisation (late placement)
Advice for students from students Portfolio - Do portfolio work as you go along - Ensure feedback/practice educators comments are completed promptly Assessment - Always be aware of the PCF domains. (Print them out and stick them somewhere visible) - Book dates for direct observation early. Reflection - Get in the habit of keeping a reflective log - Discuss reflective time with PE or PS at the start of the placement - Reflect daily and ask yourself challenging questions - Use your reflective time
Advice for students from students 2 Learning Be proactive and take control of your learning Accept constructive criticism/feedback Ask questions and query instructions so you have a clear understanding Don’t be afraid to push yourself Take placement seriously but do not be scared. Do a lot of reading and research Own the placement – What you put in is what you get out Be prepared to encounter situations that will challenge your own values Take control of your own learning and be persistent in telling your PE what you need
Advice for students from students 3 Relationship with PE & others Maintain good working relationships with team members – be a good team player. Be open with your practice educator/supervisor Be cautious of power dynamics /possible conflict with practice educators. Keep your head down – its only 70 days! Personal Relax, bring biscuits, talk to other students but don’t compare Don’t get into a habit of staying late Always communicate Maintain professional boundaries
Best advice from others It’s ok to get things wrong, you are here to learn (PE) ‘Do not get involved in office politics’. (Practice Learning Manager) Don’t take on too much you need to time to reflect on learning’ (PE) Try not to let other students’ experiences overshadow yours (PE) Be passionate about your role (Line Manager) Be assertive (Practice Supervisor) Know when to say no (HCPC)
What next? We have and will continue to share the feedback and advice with The Practice Learning Team to plan preparation for placement days Trainee and qualified practice educators Students embarking on their first placement We will continue to ask each cohort of students these questions and hope they will experience fewer surprises and benefit from the advice.