Who is Jesus? Proofs of His Divinity Many have grappled with the question- even those of His own time, Matt.16:14. Some are led away from the Truth on the matter by philosophy- “Vastness of the Universe” they say doesn’t allow for a benevolent Creator. But the benevolent Creator knew they’d say that! Psalm 8:3-5
Who is Jesus? n The day before his death, Daniel Webster dictated: “Philosophical argument, especially that drawn from the vastness of the universe, in comparison with the apparent insignificance of this globe, has sometimes shaken my reason for the faith which is in me; but my heart has always assured and reassured me that the gospel of Christ must be divine reality. The Sermon on the Mount cannot be mere human production. This belief enters into the very depth of my conscience. The whole history of may proves it.” n Mr. Webster died the following day, October 24, 1852 saying “I still live!”
So does Jesus- He still lives! n The divinity of Jesus has been under attack since He first began to walk the earth. n It became the reason the Jewish leaders of His day sought to kill Him, John 5: n It is still a thorn in the flesh for all today who seek to deny the very existence of God. n After all, if Jesus is not divine, then nothing else matters. But Jesus is Divine! Mr. Webster knew it because the Bible proves it!
The Proofs of Jesus’ Divinity n The Virgin Birth. >Isa.7:14 it was prophesied some 700 years before >Luke 1:26-55 it was foretold even to Mary >Luke 2:1-20 it was the first proof given to mankind It is therefore inseparably linked to His Authority, Col.2:8-10.
The Proofs of Jesus’ Divinity n The Miracles. >Jesus consistently did things man could not do without divine assistance. >But He also performed miracles which no man had done with divine assistance, John 11: Others had raised the dead. -No one had raised anyone dead for four days! vv.17,39 -Jesus had/has the power of life! John 5:25-29 cf. 20:30-31
The Proofs of Jesus’ Divinity n The Resurrection. >Jesus claimed that He would be raised on the third day following His death, John 2: >If this did not occur, then there is no semblance of Christianity which has any meaning whatsoever, 1Cor.15: >The early preaching of the Apostles was founded upon the fact of the resurrection, cf. Acts 2:32-36; 3:22-26; 4:1-2, 8-12, 33.
Concerning the Resurrection, who will you believe? n The Apostles who were willing to, and did die to proclaim it, Acts 5:28ff. n Or the wise of mankind, who claim to know that His bones have been found in a box buried 2000 years ago and stand to make millions from it? 1Cor.1:17-31 n The Virgin Birth, the Miracles, and the Resurrection of Jesus prove His Divinity!