Unit 1 Getting along with others Task Writing a letter to a friend
Skills building 1: Writing down the answers
Lead-in You are a reporter of your school newspaper and going to have a interview with your headmaster next week, what should you do? Turn to page 12 and find some guidelines
Some guidelines before interviewing someone. 1. Questions Prepare them in advance. 2. notes Brief notes only, not whole sentences. Brief notes only, not whole sentences. Make the notes which you can understand later. Use contractions and abbreviations if possible. Use contractions and abbreviations if possible.
Gym can be expensive = Gym memberships can sometimes be very expensive. For example:
You should do lots of exercise to stay fit. Eating fruit every day is good for you. Fruit good Lots exercise fit
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec mor afn min sec hr Do you still remember these?
﹥﹤↑↓﹥﹤↑↓ more than decrease nearly / less than increase A Q answer question
abbreviations & contractions: PRC NO. Dept e.g. SH1 I ’ D shan ’ t won ’ t mfr Art Fest
Tip: Be polite when you ask others to repeat. Could you say that again? Could you repeat that,please? Did you say ______ or ______?
Listening Discuss freely: Have you ever moved to a new town or neighbourhood? What did you do when you meet your new neighbours? What did you talk about when you met your new neighbours for the first time? How did you make friends with your new neighbours?
Listen to the radio programme and make notes Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time. You might worry about how you will find your way around, how you will meet people and how you will make new friends. These things can make you feel anxious. Today, social expert Zhang Ying is here to tell you to relax because there are many ways to meet people and make new friends.
notes 1.Things might worry you when you move to a new place. how to find your way round, meet new people, make friends. 2. Ways to meet a new neighbour: visit their homes with __________ ; join a ________ or ___________ a small gift local club activity group
3.some things you should do when you meet a person for the first time. be ____ and _____ about yourself; ask him/her ________ about _____________ ; actively _____________________. 4. You can ____________ or ___________ to meet a people with similar interests to you. open honest questions listen to his/her words join a local club activity group himself/herself
5. To make true friends, you should a. Help them when you are free b. always be there for them c. always be happy before them d. listen to what they have to say e. be honest about yourself and your feelings √ √ √
Step 1 : Calling Teen Talk for advice Brainstorming: What do you do when you have a personal problem? Would you talk to your parents or your friends and ask them for advice? Have you ever called a radio programme for advice?
Read the leaflet about Teen Talk and do the exercise in Part A Keys to Part A 1. Phone 2. True 3. False 4. teenagers’ problems 5. advice
Listening (Part B) You are having problems at school with two of your friends. You decide to phone Teen Talk for some advice. Listen to your conversation with Barbara from Teen Talk and fill in the note sheet below. Tip: write down the key words only.
Keys to Part B 1. Reason for calling Teen Talk: 2. Description of the problem: 3. Feelings about the problem: Have a problem and don’t know who to talk. Have two very different friends; they don’t like each other. Feel trapped and divided between the two, which to be friends.
Write a letter to each friend and explain how you are feeling; let them know you want the three of you to meet outside of school. Write a letter, ask friends to meet at their favourite cafe on Saturday; talk and get to know each other better. 4. Teen Talk’s advice: 5. Planned actions to overcome the problem:
Skills building 2: agreeing and disagreeing Lead-in 1 What do you often do with your friends? Have you ever write letters to your friends? It’s a waste of time to write to your friends every day, don’t you think so?
Lead-in 2 Get three or four students to act a short play to show different ways of showing disagreeing with others(prepared before class): one in a polite way, the other in a direct or even rude way. Ask students : which way is better?
Others will take your opinions more _______ if you state them _____and politely. Tips: If you disagree with someone you should express your opinions ______. politely seriously calmly
Agreeing I agree with you on/that… I am of the same opinion (as…). Exactly. That’s a good point. That’s how I feel (about…) too. That’s right. You’ve got a point. Yes. And another reason is that…
Disagreeing I don’t agree. What about…? I’m not sure that’s true. I see things slightly differently. On the other hand, … Perhaps you are mistaken. Really? I don’t think that… I take your point, but… That’s true, but…
Group work: express your opinions on the statements on page 14 by stating whether you agree or disagree, using the expressions just learned. Each group should have a member to present your opinion later.
Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat. Staying a teenager forever would be great.
Making good friends is more important to me than spending with family. If I want to be happy in the future, I must have a good job.
Good marks indicate how smart you are. Learning a foreign language is important.
Step 2: discussing friendship with others Look at the table of part A on page 15 Have a discussion on friendship and asks at least three classmates questions for their opinions on friendship. Note the responses in the table.
Discussion (pair work) Choose one of the following statements on friendship and decide whether you agree or disagree with them. 1. Friendship is an important part of my life. 2. A good friend must be honest, kind and have a sense of humour. 3. One or two good friends are better than 100 acquaintances.
Skills building 3: proofreading Read the first part on page 16 What is proofreading? Finding careless mistakes that you have made. What should we check for? Read the points on page 16 and find the answers.
In particular, we should check for: Facts: make sure the facts are accurate. Grammar: Check that you have used the correct tenses, parts of speech, sentence structures, etc. Make sure the verb agrees with the subject. Handwriting:Make sure your handwriting is clear.
Punctuation: Check that all punctuation marks are used correctly and that none are missing. Vocabulary:Check that you have used the right words. Spelling: Look out for spelling mistakes. Style(formal/informal):Check that the choice of vocabulary and sentence structure is of the right degree of formality.
Your friend Rebecca wrote about her twin brother in her diary. She asked you to check it for mistakes. There is one mistake in each line.
15 Apirl Today, I found out something about my brother could get him into a lot of trouble. I’m not sure if to tell Mum and Dad. Although William and I are almost 18, but Mum and Dad are still quite stricte with us. Recently, William has begun wearing some strange clothes. He always wears big boot and a leather jacket, and he looks quite different from before. April that whether strict boots quiet Rebecca’s letter
The other day I saw him smoked in his room, with two of his friends, Jack and Sean. I know Mum and Dad would be extreme angry if they knew about it. They’d also be angry me if they knew that I had kept this secret for them. Maybe I should tell them, so they won’t blame me for keep a secret. However, I don’t think William will live at home for much longer as hes planning to go to university soon, His grades are still good. It seems that his behaviour hasn’t had some effect on his schoolwork. Maybe I Should just keep my month shut. What should I do? smoking extremely with him keeping he’s. any mouth
Step 3: Writing a letter to your friend Write a letter to a friend about what his or her friendship means to you. using information gathered in Step 1 and 2.
Consider the suggestions carefully your feelings about friendship the qualities of a good friend your feelings about best friends what makes a good friendship last
Tips: 1. Group work: each member of the group contributes something to the planning of the outline of the letter. 2. Write the letter based on the outline in Part A on page 17.
Presentation Let’s invite several groups to read their letters to the class
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