The Gospel According to Mark
Background Symbol – Lion Who – John Mark recording the memories of Peter When – Mid 60’s AD Where – Rome To Whom – Gentile Christians
Gospel? aretalogy - divine works memoir of a sage bios
History of Interpretation Early Disinterest Not by an Apostle Rough Language and Organization Summary of Matthew Historical Interest – Best displays the Historical Jesus Narrative Interest – Evangelists not just editors but storytellers Theological Interest
Characteristics Form: Mark writes a brief account in rapid prose with occasional intimate detail Mark displays literary finesse through the use of bookends and sandwiches. Content: Jesus is the powerful King, bringing the Kingdom of God Jesus tries to keep his identity hidden at the beginning of the Gospel (Messianic Secret)
major issues in mark Pharisees Discipleship Demonic Healings Messianic Secret The Ending of Mark
Pharisees “progressives” Name – Perusim Economics – Retainer class Evangelistic Beliefs: Supernatural Extension of the Law Messianic
major issues in mark Discipleship Messianic Secret The Ending of Mark
Discipleship Why would these men follow Jesus so quickly? More to the story John 2 Sociological advance Discipleship lesson for Mark’s community How are the Disciples depicted and why?
healing and Exorcism What is Jesus’ relationship with demons? Supernatural forces opposed to God Enemies who have power now but will be subjected to Christ Why are there so many demons and healings in Mark’s gospel and not today? Mark 9:17–18 - Supernatural vs. Scientific language The nature of a Gospel Global insight How should Jesus’ healings shape our approach to healthcare today? Spiritual and physical component All are healed; some are cured
Messianic Secret Why does Jesus urge some people to be quiet about his identity? Mark 1:40–45 Mark 5:42–43 Mark 9:2–10 Mark 5:18–20 Logistics - Space and Attracting the attention of the authorities Meaning of Messiahship And not others?
Palestine in the Time of Jesus
The Ending of Mark So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. Mark 16:8 If Mark ended his gospel here, why? Weight remains on the cross Baton passes to the audience
Discipleship He called the crowd with his disciples, and said to them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8:34