CBE 101: The Iowa Journey Iowa ASCD/Iowa Department of Education Conference June 23, 2014 #IACompED IOWA Department of Education
With an Elbow Partner Share something you know or are able to do well Then share how you learned it. Who do you want to pack your parachute? But who gets the A in today’s educational system? Test 1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5 Student 1 90%88%90%92%95% Student 2 40%60%70%80%100% Student 3 70%40%100%
Place yourself under the correct sign to indicate how you view your skills at doing laundry—be honest. In your groups list why you believe you fit in that category. Are You More Proficient than Your Grandmother? IOWA Department of Education
The Iowa Journey toward CBE IOWA Department of Education 2010 State Board Priority 2011 State Guidelines on CBE 2011 Governor’s Blueprint on Education 2011 CBE Forum
2012 Legislation eliminated the Carnegie unit as the basis for credit in Iowa high schools and required a task force to investigate Credit Based on Competency Rather than on the Carnegie Unit Assessment and Accountability Learning Plans and Templates Professional Development Using Technology to Enhance This Work The Iowa Journey toward CBE IOWA Department of Education
The Iowa Journey toward CBE IOWA Department of Education 2013 Legislation requested a strategic plan for statewide implementation and provided funding for Writing Competencies Developing Assessments Investigation Recording/Reporting Systems Professional Development Grants for the Iowa CBE Collaborative
The Iowa Journey toward CBE IOWA Department of Education Legislative Task Force Preliminary Report, January 2013 included: A justification for the work 22 recommendations toward developing CBE in the state Proposed timeline Final Report turned in November 15, 2013 The urgency of the work Update on the 22 recommendations 13 new or forwarded recommendations Draft Strategic Plan
The Iowa Journey toward CBE IOWA Department of Education 2014 Legislation removed the requirement that credit earned before ninth grade could only be in math, science, ELA, or social studies
More Children IOWA Department of Education The Iowa Journey toward CBE Cedar Rapids Collins-Maxwell East Union Howard-Winneshiek Marshalltown Higher Ed Mason City Muscatine Nevada Spirit Lake Van Meter AEAs/Others The Iowa CBE Collaborative Framework for Transformation Iowa Demonstration Sites Defining College and Career Ready
IOWA Department of Education Leadership Teams Districts IHEs AEAs Work Teams Collaborative Processes Iowa districts and schools implement CBE according to the State Guidelines Collaborative Outcomes Students who are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for post secondary success State Outcomes A framework for transitioning to a personalized, competency-based system, which will guide statewide implementation Demonstration sites successfully implementing the framework and demonstrating improved college and career ready outcomes \ Iowa CBE Collaborative
Iowa Framework for Implementation of Competency-based Education College and Career Ready Graduates through Competency-based Pathways State Guidelines for CBE College and Career Ready Definition and Indicators Universal Constructs Literature Review and Research Base Getting Started Common readings District self- assessment Conversation starters Com Engage Professiona l Learning Teacher/Leader Prep Professional Development Transitions to Post Secondary Leadership at All Levels Personalized Learning Competencie s Competencies Scoring Guides Learning Progression .... Performance Assessments ... Presentations of Learning Policy State (Chapter 12) Local Monitor, Record, and Report Learning Schedules and Structures Instruct/Lrn Environment Internships Strategies Any time, any where
Mass Customization Inevitable: Mass Customized Learning, Learning in the Age of Empowerment by Charles Schwahn & Beatrice McGarvey IOWA Department of Education
Framing the Work & Building the Team IOWA Department of Education State Guidelines Read the guidelines Principles How does this compare with what you experienced as a K-12 student?
Framing the Work & Building the Team IOWA Department of Education Definitions: Competency: A competency is an enduring understanding that requires the transfer of knowledge, skills, and dispositions to complex situations in and/or across content areas and/or beyond the classroom. Proficiency: Demonstrated skill or knowledge required to advance to and be successful in higher levels of learning in that content area or using that content.
More Children What Does CBE Look Like? IOWA Department of Education Chugash, Alaska: One Example Delivering on the Promise: The Education Revolution by Richard DeLorenzo, Wendy Battino, Rick Schreiber, Barbara Gaddy Carrio ReInventing Schools Coalition, Doug Finn In the business world, the term burning platform has long been used to indicate a crisis of such magnitude that it forces change. Delivering on the Promise, page 28
What Does CBE Look Like? IOWA Department of Education Divide your table group into 5 teams (2 minutes) Each team should select a different one of the principles. (1 Minute) Read through your principle and have it in mind as we view the video. (1 minute) Jot down notes as you view or immediately after. (You can put notes anywhere but concentrate on your section.)
What Does CBE Look Like? Spirit Lake High School IOWA Department of Education John Hunter: 4 th Graders Solve World Peace
What Does CBE Look Like? IOWA Department of Education Take a minute to be sure you have the notes you want in your section. (You can put things elsewhere if you want to.) The person who lives the closest to his/her place of work will be your spokesperson. Discuss with your team what you saw for your principle and the two questions at the end of the protocol. Then come up with a composite list.
What Does CBE Look Like? IOWA Department of Education Now your spokesperson should share with the entire table what you saw or questioned about your principle. Others from your team can fill in. Then ask for thoughts from the rest of your table group. (3 minutes each) World Peace and Other 4th-Grade Achievements by John HunterJohn Hunter
More Children IOWA Department of Education Collaborative Work Teams Personalized Learning College and Career Readiness Professional Development Teacher/Leader Preparation Monitor, Record, Report Learning Stakeholder Engagement Leadership at All Levels Instruction and Learning Environment Transactions to Post Secondary Structures and Policies Getting Started Literature Review
College and Career Ready IOWA Department of Education A student who is college and career ready has the necessary knowledge and skills (1) for successful transition to postsecondary education (2) and other career preparation pathways as demonstrated by student-generated evidence. (1) Skills: critical thinking, complex communication, creativity, collaboration, flexibility and adaptability, productivity and accountability (Iowa’s Universal Constructs) (2) Postsecondary education: baccalaureate/associate degree, industry certification, apprenticeship or career pathway-oriented training program
IOWA Department of Education Leadership Teams Districts IHEs AEAs Work Teams Collaborative Processes Iowa districts and schools implement CBE according to the State Guidelines Collaborative Outcomes Students who are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for post secondary success State Outcomes A framework for transitioning to a personalized, competency-based system, which will guide statewide implementationframework Demonstration sites successfully implementing the framework and demonstrating improved college and career ready outcomes \ Iowa CBE Collaborative
Iowa Framework for Implementation of Competency-based Education College and Career Ready Graduates through Competency-based Pathways State Guidelines for CBE College and Career Ready Definition and Indicators Universal Constructs Literature Review and Research Base Getting Started Common readings District self- assessment Conversation starters Community Engage Professional Learning Teacher/Leader Prep Professional Development Transitions to Post Secondary Leadership at All Levels Personalized Learning Competencies Competencies Scoring Guides Learning Progression .... Performance Assessments ... Presentations of Learning Policy State (Chapter 12) Local Monitor, Record, and Report Learning Schedules and Structures Instruct/Lrn Environment Internships Strategies Any time, any where
IOWA Department of Education #IACompEd