Welcome to Liberty Junior High!
Liberty Junior High School I am going to a new school after summer break! My new school is Liberty Junior High School. My friends from 6 th grade at Spencer Crossing will be there.
Same and Different Liberty Junior High will be the same as Spencer Crossing in some ways and different in others. One way that Liberty and Spencer Crossing are the same is that there are people who like to help students in both schools. Their names will be different. Their faces will be different, but teachers at Liberty like to help kids just like at Spencer Crossing.
Mr. Street Mr. Street is the principal at Liberty Junior High. He has many important jobs. He helps students and teachers every day.
Mrs. Pechukas Mrs. Pechukas is the assistant principal at Liberty Junior High. She has many important jobs. You will see her in the cafeteria when you eat lunch. She helps students and teachers each day.
Mrs. Hills and Mrs. Szeblewski Mrs. Szeblewski and Mrs. Hills are the secretaries at Liberty Junior High. They can help you if you are late to school or need to call home.
Mrs. McKevitt Mrs. McKevitt is our school nurse. She can help you if you are not feeling well or get hurt at school.
Mr. Cutright I will be in 7 th grade. Mr. Cutright will be my teacher. He is very kind. Mr. Cutright will teach me new things and we will have a lot of fun.
Mr. Didier Mr. Didier will be my cycle teacher. I will go to his room and learn about new topics each trimester! Mr. Didier will teach me new things and I will have fun.
Speech Ms. Beck is my new speech teacher. She will help me with lots of things like how to talk to other people, saying my speech sounds, and learning new words
Occupational Therapy Mrs. Graefen is the occupational therapist at my new school. Mrs. Graefen will be helping me with writing, typing and learning to do more things on my own. We will work on getting our muscles stronger and bodies ready to learn.
Social Work Mrs. Tiffy is the social worker at my new school. She will help me make new friends, be a good listener and help me feel better when I am having a bad day.
In the morning I will take a bus to school in the morning. It will drop me off here. A teachers aide will meet me here in the morning. We will walk to class together.
Lunch I will go to the cafeteria for lunch. Mrs. Pechukas will be there as well as my classroom teachers aide. I will sit with my class. I will follow the cafeteria rules. I will use a quiet voice when talking to my friends.
Gym Mr. Zumpano will be my gym teacher. Sometimes it is very loud in the gym. If the noise bothers me I will let Mr. Zumpano, or the teachers aide know.
End of the Day At the end of the day I will wait here for my bus to pick me up. My bus will take me home.
We are excited to meet you! First I am going to have summer break. Then I will go to my new school, Liberty Junior High. I am going to be in 7 th grade. I will learn many new things. It will be lots of fun!