Sorting Data Mini Activity II
Objectives: The Learner will be able to: 1. Explain what labels are 2. Sort Excel data by using the labels in the header row 3. Create a Custom Sort 4. Modify the Custom Sort Order 5. Change Page Orientation 6. Create Custom headers and footers 7. Save the spreadsheet
1. Download the Excel document on the Class Presentation page of our class website. Re-save the excel document so that it is in your folder. Name it Excel Practice 2
2. Sort the data: Select all the data in your spreadsheet and sort the data by Month. Select all the data in your excel sheet (by clicking in the middle of a cell and dragging to select all the cells). Click on the Data tab and find the SORT button. Sort the data by month.
2b. Sort the data: select the entire spreadsheet and Sort the data by Month. Did the months sort as expected or did they sort alphabetically? Try the sort again: use the CUSTOM SORT and change the Order to Custom List. Your data should now look like this:
3. Modify the page layout: in Excel you can modify the page layout numerous ways for printouts, handouts, and reports. Open the page layout tab and make the orientation Landscape. This will create a horizontally printed document.
3b. Modify the page layout: In Excel you can modify the page layout numerous ways for printouts, handouts, and reports. Open the Insert Tab and click on Header & Footer. Create a Custom Header and type ‘White Plains School District’ on top. Create a Custom Footer with the current date on the right.
4. Lesson Reflection REFLECTION: Mini Lesson II: Sorting Data 1.How is the sort button initially programmed to sort data? 2.In which tab can you find the Header & Footer button?
5. Save the newly formatted spreadsheet. You are done with Mini Lesson II! Stop here. Raise your hand and have your teacher check your work before moving on to Mini Lesson III. Great job!