Online Dating o Online dating has served as an opportunity for people to meet new friends, and for some, the love of their life. o There's nothing wrong with signing up for an account in an online dating site. o But as a woman, you need to be careful.
Here are some important tips to staying safe while engaging in online dating:
Keep Private Information to Yourself o Don't let your guard down too fast no matter how comfortable you're feeling with your online date. o It's not necessary to share your contact information, more so is your location o Also, consider creating an address only for your online dating use. o This will prevent people you're meeting online from scoring more information than you want them to know.
Do Not Contact Your DateThru Phone o This means no contacting your date thru phone even when you're scheduled to meet. o Refrain as well from adding them up on your social networking accounts. Reserve this place only for people you actually know personally. o With that, it pays that you use a photo exclusive for your online dating account. o A simple drag and drop of a single photo in Google could already reveal a lot so better be cautious.
Look Up Your Date's Name on Google o While it's not necessary that you share your personal information and add your date up on Facebook, it's good to spend time finding more about the person in the Internet. o This is to check that you are meeting or talking to someone that does exist. o You’ve heard the old horror story in online dating - when users try to deceive and use other people's photos for their profile. o You don't want to deal with someone faking their identity.
Make Your First Dates Public o Never go to your house or your date's for the first meeting. For your safety, go to a public place, say a restaurant. o Skip the drinks as you need to stay sober and you should. At least avoid walking in the park for the first dates too. o Skip your neighborhood too. It's best to reserve a clue where you are living once you're already sure with the person. o Walk home by yourself as well. There's no need for your date to drive for you.
Always Tell a Friend Who You're Going Out With o Make sure that you're letting a trusted friend know that you are meeting your online date. o Advise your friend too where you are going.
No Excuses o If a guy is decent enough, he'll understand that you're only watching over your safety. o So take it to your heart to follow these tips. No excuses. o This should make your online dating experience more fun and exciting.
Check These Out! o Check Out These Online Dating Safety Tips Every Woman Should Know and Follow. o Brought to you by - Sydney Premier Dating and Advice Service. o For more info on sydney dating site, check out: for more dating site