Lord of the Ring The Two Towers BOOK 3
The Two Towers – Book 3 Plot Summary Death of Boromir Ents Return of Gandalf Rohan / Helm’s Deep Fall of Saruman
The Two Towers – Book 3 Plot Structure Chap 1-2 Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Eomer Chap 3-4 Merry, Pippin, orcs Chap 5-7 Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Eomer, Gandalf, Theoden Chap 8-11 Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Gandalf, Theoden, Merry, Pippin
The Two Towers – Book 3 New Characters TreebeardTheoden Elmer, Eowyn SarumanWormtongue
The Two Towers – Book 3 Monsters and other Creatures Ents Huorns Orcs
The Two Towers – Book 3 Important Objects ä Broach dropped by Pippin ä Palantir
The Two Towers – Book 3 Four-dimensional world of Ents Ents see world in terms of its history, make us aware of importance of past events to present Quote re/ hill Ents slow like growth of trees Quote re/ hasty Ents are dying race, no Entwives Ents are like MacBeth’s Byrnam wood moving as real it were real
The Two Towers – Book 3 Settings Spring -- rebirth Boromir redeemed in death Rousing of the Ents Theoden comes forth to war Gandalf comes back Places which become involved again Fangorn Rohin
The Two Towers – Book 3 New Worlds Rohan Horseback riders Honor heroic actions and/or death Fangorn Last March of the Ents Slow to anger then deadly
The Two Towers – Book 3 Themes Coming back to life, Legends Gandalf, Theoden, Ents Heroic ideal, going down fighting Theoden, Last march of the Ents Power of Laughter Courtesy/discourtesy, hospitality Wormtongue discourteous, Saruman falsely Ents hospitable Choices Boromir, Theoden, Saruman, Wormtongue
The Two Towers – Book 3 Parallels Saruman held Gandalf prisoner, now Gandalf holds Saruman prisoner
The Two Towers – Book 3 Motifs Songs in Rohan Elegies or Heroic poems Songs of Memory Glory as antidote to death