The Roaring 20s Harding and Coolidge
I. Harding (R) A.“Return to Normalcy” (not a real word) 1. Isolationism 2. Laissez-Faire 3. Decrease taxes, decrease gov’t spending “America’s present need not heroics but healing”.
B.Scandals 1. “Ohio Gang” 2. Drink, gamble, corrupt 3. Teapot Dome Scandal a.Sold gov’t lands (important because it was oil reserve lands) b.Jail for Cabinet members C.Harding dies!!!
“The business of America is business. The man who builds a factory builds a temple. The man who works there worships there” Calvin Coolidge “ Yes, sir, he’s my baby” sang Big Business to President Coolidge
II. Coolidge (R) A.“Silent” Cal B.Laissez-Faire 1. “Gov’t is best when governs least” 2. Results a.Big business boom b.Increase profits c.Increase monopolies d.Increase prosperity e.Increase gap between rich and poor
Stock Market and Lifestyles
III. Stock Market A.Increased freedom; decrease security B.Stocks 1. Invest $$ in a company 2. Buy on margin (credit) a.Buy now…pay later b.Borrow 90%; pay 10% c.Doom!!! Instant riches C.Illusion of Wealth
IV.Lifestyles A.Model T 1. Henry Ford 2. Assembly Line 3. Mass production – increase number, decrease costs 4. Rise of suburbs 5. “New fangled Goods” (dishwasher, washing machines, iron, car, etc)
Harlem Renaissance and Prohibition
Into Bondage by Aaron Douglas
V. Harlem Renaissance A.Revival of African-American Culture B.Music 1. Ragtime 2. Jazz Duke Ellington
C.1 st time whites take notice of blacks 1.Langston Hughes 2.Zora Neale Hurston
VI.Prohibition A.18 th Amendment B.Organized Crime 1. Al Capone 2. Speakeasies 3. Bootleggers/Rum Runners 4. Massive amount of law-breakers C.21 st Amendment (1930s)
The Red Scare
VII.Red Scare A.Communism in Russia (1917) 1. Economic system –all wealth and property is owned by the people 2. Dictatorship 3. No free speech, No civil liberties 4. Strict Government control over all aspects of life Lenin in the Red Square, Moscow
B.Nativism 1. Anti-Immigration 2. Emergency Quota Act (1921/1924) 3.Sacco & Vanzetti Case A.Italian-American B.Anarchists C.Arrested/killed for a crime they did not commit
C.Ku Klux Klan 1. Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Catholoic, Anti- jewish, Black, Hispanic etc , 000 March on Washington
D o y o u k n o w t h e s e p e o p l e ?
An Age of Heroes
VIII. Radio/Music/Movies A.Radio 1. “Lucky Lindy” 2. Ads
B.Music/Movies/Radio 1. Jazz- Louis Armstrong
C.Movies 1. Movie Stars a.Charlie Chaplin 2. Sport Stars a.Babe Ruth
B.Flappers 1. Increase Freedom 2. Rebelled against traditional ways