Employer Relationships Preparing a system to deliver added value
Preparing to meet the customer Who are we as a system? What did we do? What were we prepared to do? Who were our customers? Who were our partners? Did our customer see value in us? Could we deliver on our commitments? What assets did we bring and how did they enhance our partners?
Defined our systems assets Defined who were our partners Determined our roles and responsibilities Determined value of our services Designed a demand driven model Designed a Business Process (BSP) Trained our partners and contractors System Preparation
System Assets What resources/programs could we bring to the customer? What solution did each asset offer? What was the value of each asset? Where was the economic development advantage?
Per-Employment Testing Class Room Training OJT Training EEO Tracking HR Services for Small Employers Application Pre-Screening Incumbent Worker Training Resource Rooms TRA/TAA Assistance Employer Specific Job Fairs Labor Market Research Education and Training Programs Soft Skills Training Placement Assistance Resume Development Asset Examples
Lost Opportunity Can Not Meet all the Customers Needs The power is in serving all customers coming into the centers
Partnerships Who are our partners? What do they do? What are their assets? How can we work together? Can we all provide value?
Confusion ?????? Non Profits Education Economic Development Workforce Development State Regional Local Private for Profits
Partnership Structure Economic Development Workforce DevelopmentEducation ALL PARTNERS NEEDED TO WORK TOGETHER TO FOCUS ON AND SERVE BUSINESS
Business Services Team Who will be on our Team?
Operational Process How will a job order be handled? What is our time frame of response? Who will the job order be shared with? Would the demand be shared with all partners? How will the supply side feed the demand side?
Our Guiding Principals 1.Business Services can’t be run by committee. 2.If you are not trained in business services you do not meet with employers. 3.Success is not measured by how many job orders are produced. 4.All processes must be managed to completion with follow-up. 5.All partners must be trained to work with business services. 6.Center Manager must be involved in the planning of a process. 7.Communications between one stop partners are a must. 8.Local restrictive policies must be removed to allow for performance. 9.People work is more important that paper work. 10.Delivery of processes are driven by the one stop contractors/staff. 11.The Workforce Board, Executive Director, and Staff MUST FULLY SUPPORT ANY BUSINESS SERVICES INITIATIVE.
Business Services Team Goals To move the person to a new job or career as quickly as possible.(In one Day?) To be easy to do business with To effectively serve both customers To take advantage of all opportunities To maintain or improve quality of life To be a value added partner To create a regional economic development advantage Get all the placement credits for our system
We developed a structured process 1.Entry 2.Fact Finding 3.Design of Solution 4.Implementation 5.Follow Up
Business relationships Asset Knowledge Partnerships Networks Structured method/process Identified Key Elements of Opportunity
Demand Driven Model EmployerEducationWorkforce System Pull Push BUSINESS SOLUTIONS DRIVES THE MODEL Preparation Part of the ModelDemand Side
Business Services Team Who will be on our Team?
Can we train the model? Adult Learning Model Developed Curriculum Targeted Primary Sectors Training Case Based Branded the Certification
Ready Set Go!
Results ? Come to session #2