AEGI and ITABE Guidance provision in context Sligo / Cork / Athlone / Dublin October 2008
What is the Adult Educational Guidance Initiative (AEGI) Guidance Coordinator Guidance Counsellor Information Officer NDP Social Inclusion Priority
Who does AEGI link with / refer to / take referrals from AEGI DES International
AEGI Target Groups LITERACY COMMUNITY EDUCATION – BTEI VTOS Future Clients of Education Finance Board Adult Education information / Public Queries
Working with AEGI Target groups Framework for AEGI 2007 – 2013 ( DES / National Advisory Group) Integrated model of adult educational guidance counselling pre-entry, entry, ongoing and pre-exit stages personal, educational and vocational guidance working in partnership at local level, meeting a spectrum of guidance needs of the target groups, employing a range of methodologies including information provision, one-to- one guidance, group guidance and outreach provision NDP Social Inclusion Priority (NDP ) based in VECs /other managing providers
Information available in AEGI Information Strand – WALK- IN Specific to individual and / or group within guidance Information Educational, local and national Resources Factsheets, directories etc Welfare Funding, Entitlements
ITABE Key area Guidelines…… (IVEA) Contribute to the planning process Provide appropriate information in relation to goal setting & progression options. Negotiated between the ALS and AEGI Guidance should be appropriate to the particular needs of all participants System of information exchange between ALS and AEGI must be agreed AEGI should be involved in the planning as early a stage as possible” “ALOs and AEGCs should be encouraged and facilitated to take part in awareness training to improve the integration of the two elements of the Adult Education Services” General guidance awareness Not every area will be relevant to your students Working in collaboration to tailor the guidance provision for your groups needs “ AEGI involvement in the ITABE programme should be to...
Guidance process with groups Planning In consultation with the ALO / ITABE Core tutor Relevant Information Exchange Recognising the individual needs within the group Relevant and appropriate to group level Feedback to the ALO / ITABE Core tutor
Group guidance content.. General relevant education information sessions and / or Personal / social focus and / or Vocational / career focus and / or 1-1 sessions
Guidance with groups in an educational context … Various possible guidance inputs Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) Motivation Educational Experiences / hopes Vocational experiences / hopes Decision making Education system Personal goals (outside but including skills base) Information & advice 1 to 1 Guidance input to initial Literacy Tutor Training
Guidance in ITABE AEGI Client / Adult learner ITABE AEGI Client / Adult learner ITABE