Allies Strike Back
Allies wanted to strike back against Japan U.S. sent 16 B-25 bombers to bomb Tokyo Proved Japanese could be attacked and helped raise American morale
Battle of Midway Japan next targeted Midway Island, west of Hawaii U.S. were aware of attack and better prepared to stop Japanese advancements American pilots destroyed 332 Japanese airplanes, 4 aircraft carriers and one support ship
Battle at Midway – Avenged Pearl Harbor Helped turn tide of war in Pacific against Japanese General Douglas MacArthur was the Allied Commander in the Pacific Decided to “island-hop” and gain islands that were not well defended around Japan Goal -cut off Japanese supplies
Total War By 1942 Allied powers were getting bombarded by German bombers over Britain Germany army advanced deeper into Soviet Union To defeat Axis powers, Allies increased the political power and focused on war effort Factories manufactured airplanes and tanks Government implemented ration programs Raised money by selling war bonds
War brought new shortages and hardships Some gov’t limited rights of citizens by censoring the press and using propaganda to win war support In U.S. many citizens of Japanese descent lost jobs, property and civil rights Placed in internment camps for security purposes – Believed that Japanese Americans posed a threat to the country The U.S. imprisoned around 31,000 people considered “enemy aliens” between 1941 and 1946
With men joining the war women replaces men in war industry jobs – Rosie the Riveter – symbolized powerful women during war
D-Day Assault 1944, Western Allies were ready to open second front in Europe by invading France Led by American General Dwight Eisenhower Allied troops bombed Axis factories, aircrafts and infrastructure that could be used against them Allies chose June 6, 1944 (D-Day) to invade France
Allied planes dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines Thousands of Allied ships moved troops across the English Channel Soldiers fighting on shores of Normandy dealth with underwater mines and machine-gun fire – Around 3,000 American died on the beach Allied troops held fast and eventually gained support to advance Germans were forced to retreat and the Allies gained control of Paris By Sept. Allies had liberated France, Belgium, and Luxembourg
Battle of the Bulge- Hitler's Last Stand Germany faced a two-war front Hoped to split American and British forces and stop supply lines Campaign was known as the Battle of the Bulge Allies were caught off guard but eventually were able to push Germans back
German Defeat In March 1945 Allies moved across the Rhine River into Germany Berlin was surrounded by Allied troops and Soviets Soviet’s shelled the city Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide in an underground bunker
May 7, 1945 Eisenhower accepted the surrender of the Third Reich FDR died before seeing the Axis defeat Successor Harry Truman received official news of Nazi surrender on May 8 May 8, 1945 known as V-E Day – Victory in Europe Day
Wars in the Pacific Until mid-1942 Japan controlled much of SE Asia and Pacific Islands Killed many American soldiers in Philippines during 65 miles Baatan Death March United States took the offense and began Island Hopping campaign – Goal was to recapture Japanese held islands Gradually moved towards Japan
With the war in Europe won, Allied powers focused their resources on the defeat of Japanese By mid-1945 most of Japanese air force was destroyed Japanese showed their determination during bloody battles on the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa Fight and die rather than surrender – Kamikaze – fighter pilots who went on suicide missions
Atomic Bombs New technology in chemistry and warfare would change the course of fighting Scientists found that by splitting the atom they could create a powerful explosion In July 1945, tested first Atomic bomb in New Mexico Harry Truman decided to use new bomb to save U.S. lives and stop war in Pacific Issued warning to Japan to surrender or face complete destruction and utter devastation
August 6, 1945 U.S. dropped atomic bomb over city of Hiroshima Bomb killed more than 70,000 people Months after more died from radiation sickness August 8, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria
U.S. dropped a second atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki More than 40,000 people were killed August 10, Emperor Hirohito intervened and forced the gov’t to surrender