Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 1 Member states and community level, who, what, and when? Stefan Kuhlmann University of Twente (NL) Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STəPS) VINNOVA seminar “Research and Innovation Policies - Exploiting synergies for Sustainable Growth in Europe” Brussels, July 14, 2009
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 2 Overview 1.R/I actors’ needs: knowledge dynamics and governance needs 2.Governance levels 3.Need for ‘intra-European’ perspective
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 3 1. Knowledge dynamics and governance reach Country A Country C Country B ERA Dynamic knowledge networks
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 4 Knowledge dynamics and governance reach Country A Country C Country B ERA Dynamic knowledge networks
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 5 Knowledge dynamics and governance reach Dynamic knowledge networks, globally ERA
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 6 I.Towards ‘post-national’ innovation systems: How to achieve efficient institutional and multi-level coordination in national and international STI policy arenas ? II.Content matters: ‘One size does not fit all!’ Is thematic diversity sufficiently reflected in national policy portfolios ? Are knowledge dynamics national? Is the national scale the most appropriate level to reflect on and cope with such dynamics ? Is there need and means for international (or even transnational) orchestration – of collaboration and competition ? 2. Two trends: Governance levels?
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 7 Rationales for Levels of Governance Source: ERA Rationales Report 2008 Nothing in between ??
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 8 Intra-European dimensions of coordination Source: ERA Rationales Report 2008 Focus on ‘intra- European’ initiatives
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 9 3. A new conceptual framework (LEG) Dynamic ‘intra-European’ perspective with a systemic approach Multi-level, multi-actor and multi-domain landscape Three interacting levels: Societal and economic domains Levels of relevance and action Policy instruments Different knowledge configurations evolve at the intersection of domains, levels, and policies
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 10 Intra-EU thematic policy space
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 11 Recommendations of LEG (1) Member States should be encouraged to create trans- border bilateral and multilateral research and innovation platforms, as a mechanism to integrate scientific or technological communities of several European countries. The Commission should facilitate and partly finance some specific variable geometry mechanisms across interested Member States implementing multi-level and multi-domain integrated actions.
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 12 Recommendations of LEG (2) The Commission should continue to provide platforms for experimentation – such as OMC-Nets, ERA-Nets, Technology Platforms – and stimulate Member States to join in. Avoid an inward-looking European “fortress”: ERA should also embed a dimension of openness towards third countries, and favour intra-European initiatives targeting partners outside of Europe. Member States and Commission should facilitate the development, maintenance and use of advanced Strategic Intelligence capacities for learning (organisations, networks, databases, human resources).
Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 13 Links LEG (2008): Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion - The governance challenge for knowledge policies (see research/monitoring/leg_strategy_ en.htm) research/monitoring/leg_strategy_ en.htm ERA-Dynamics project (see: