Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 1 Member states and community level, who, what, and when? Stefan Kuhlmann University of Twente.


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Presentation transcript:

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 1 Member states and community level, who, what, and when? Stefan Kuhlmann University of Twente (NL) Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STəPS) VINNOVA seminar “Research and Innovation Policies - Exploiting synergies for Sustainable Growth in Europe” Brussels, July 14, 2009

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 2 Overview 1.R/I actors’ needs: knowledge dynamics and governance needs 2.Governance levels 3.Need for ‘intra-European’ perspective

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 3 1. Knowledge dynamics and governance reach Country A Country C Country B ERA Dynamic knowledge networks

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 4 Knowledge dynamics and governance reach Country A Country C Country B ERA Dynamic knowledge networks

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 5 Knowledge dynamics and governance reach Dynamic knowledge networks, globally ERA

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 6 I.Towards ‘post-national’ innovation systems:  How to achieve efficient institutional and multi-level coordination in national and international STI policy arenas ? II.Content matters: ‘One size does not fit all!’  Is thematic diversity sufficiently reflected in national policy portfolios ?  Are knowledge dynamics national? Is the national scale the most appropriate level to reflect on and cope with such dynamics ?  Is there need and means for international (or even transnational) orchestration – of collaboration and competition ? 2. Two trends: Governance levels?

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 7 Rationales for Levels of Governance Source: ERA Rationales Report 2008 Nothing in between ??

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 8 Intra-European dimensions of coordination Source: ERA Rationales Report 2008 Focus on ‘intra- European’ initiatives

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 9 3. A new conceptual framework (LEG)  Dynamic ‘intra-European’ perspective with a systemic approach  Multi-level, multi-actor and multi-domain landscape  Three interacting levels:  Societal and economic domains  Levels of relevance and action  Policy instruments  Different knowledge configurations evolve at the intersection of domains, levels, and policies

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 10 Intra-EU thematic policy space

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 11 Recommendations of LEG (1)  Member States should be encouraged to create trans- border bilateral and multilateral research and innovation platforms, as a mechanism to integrate scientific or technological communities of several European countries.  The Commission should facilitate and partly finance some specific variable geometry mechanisms across interested Member States implementing multi-level and multi-domain integrated actions.

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 12 Recommendations of LEG (2)  The Commission should continue to provide platforms for experimentation – such as OMC-Nets, ERA-Nets, Technology Platforms – and stimulate Member States to join in.  Avoid an inward-looking European “fortress”: ERA should also embed a dimension of openness towards third countries, and favour intra-European initiatives targeting partners outside of Europe.  Member States and Commission should facilitate the development, maintenance and use of advanced Strategic Intelligence capacities for learning (organisations, networks, databases, human resources).

Kuhlmann (B): VINNOVA Seminar Brussels 14 July, 2009, page 13 Links  LEG (2008): Lisbon Strategy: Between revolution and illusion - The governance challenge for knowledge policies (see research/monitoring/leg_strategy_ en.htm) research/monitoring/leg_strategy_ en.htm  ERA-Dynamics project (see: