My name is Samuel Pepys My birthday is on the 23 rd of February in 1633 I work for the British government My Diary is very important because it has a lot of information about the Great fire of London of 1666.
The fire started on Pudding Lane, at the Baker’s shop. The oven had caught fire and suddenly all the cake and buns had caught fire. All the ovens were now on fire. The fire rose to the ceiling and had spread so quickly, that within minutes the baker had burned down. By 10 o’clock that night, I look out the window and see that the Bakery had burned down to the ground.
The oven caught fire so quickly that within seconds every delicious cake and buns in the bakery had caught fire. Within minutes the entire bakery had caught fire. The fire had spread onto the shop next door then within five minutes every house on Pudding Lane had caught fire. By 10:30pm that night, I look out the window and see that every building on Pudding Lane had been burnt down.
It is midnight, I put on my dressing gown. I see that the bakery has been burned to the ground. Also every single building on pudding lane is on fire and has been burned to the ground. I look out the window and see the big, fire stretch across London. I can feel the hot air blowing through my house. I watch as huge flaming fire ball sweeps across London.
London had caught fire so quickly that I began to worry. What if the fire was to come to my house? All my things would be burnt so quickly. In the middle of the night I ran to my back garden, and buried all my favourite things……………
I picked my favourite things, dug a hole in the ground, I buried: My best wine My Parmesan Cheese All my money My best plates
My Mobile Phone My Onesie Teddy Bear My favourite slippers