Introduction to CptS 111 Adam Carter
Meet your instructor Adam Carter "PhD Candidate" (ABD) Feel free to call me: – Adam (preferred) – Professor Carter – Mr. Carter – Doctor isn't technically correct yet! Office: Sloan 320 See syllabus for office hours
Course Website Currently at Can also just go to LMS in flux, might move content later on
Course Materials Python 3.4.x – Windows: msi – MacOS macosx10.6.pkg
Optional Development Enviornment (optional) Visual Stuido 2015 with Pytools – It’s free for students – VS is used CptS 121, 122, and 223. Good to practice now if you have the time.
We will use iClickers in this class Available at the bookie. Also at Amazon and other places – Iclicker/dp/
We use an "online" textbook for this class Register an account at Book code: WSUCptS111Fall2015 The Zyante book has lots of cool, interactive programming exercises. Even better, you get credit for just reading the book!
Grade breakdown Programming assignments & homework (35%)* Labs (15%) iClicker Participation (5%) Zyante homework and book reading (5%) Exam(s) (20%) Final exam (20%)
Final grade translations – A65.00 – 69.99C – 92.99A – 64.99C – 89.99B – 59.99D – 86.99B00.00 – 49.99F – 79.99B – 74.99C+
iClicker Participation Policy 5% of overall grade 100% for answering 80% of the questions presented in class 100% for answering at least 70% of the questions correctly
Zyante Reading Policy You get credit for reading the book (cool!) The calendar lists the deadline for completing specific chapters. To receive credit, you must have read 90% of the chapter by this point. Otherwise, no credit for that chapter.
Homework Policy All homework must be submitted by the due date; NO LATE TURN-INS! You have 50"bonus" points that can be applied to one or more assignments Students who submit their work on time may resubmit their homework directly to their TA up to three days after having received their grade. Student who resubmit have the opportunity to receive a better grade, up to a maximum of an A- (90%) on the assignment.
Lab Policy Students must completely finish the lab in order to receive credit for that lab. Students who do not finish the lab can show the lab to their TA the following week for full credit for the lab. Students who are unable to finish the lab the following week but remain in lab for the full duration will receive 50% lab points for the week. Students who do not finish the lab must remain in the lab for the full duration if they want to have the opportunity to turn the lab in at a later date for full or partial credit. A student who leaves early forfeits his or her ability to turn the lab in for credit at a later date. Students must be in the lab for at least 45 minutes regardless of whether or not they come to lab with the lab already completed. If the student comes to lab with the lab completed, he or she may work on homework, participate in OSBIDE, or be otherwise productive for 45 minutes. Students with valid excuses (e.g. car accident, sick, etc.) are exempt from these rules, but must provide sufficient evidence to the TA. What constitutes as sufficient evidence is left to the discretion of the individual TA.
Exam Policy I'm trying something new! FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT
A Note on Cheating Don't do it! See syllabus for lots of examples of what is and is not cheating.
Getting to know my class How many of you…
Getting to know my class How many of you… – Are freshman?
Getting to know my class How many of you… – Are freshman? – Have CptS 111 as your first class of the day?
Getting to know my class How many of you… – Are freshman? – Have CptS 111 as your first class of the day? – Have prior programming experience?
Getting to know my class How many of you… – Are freshman? – Have CptS 111 as your first class of the day? – Have prior programming experience? – Are also taking CptS 121?
Getting to know my class How many of you… – Are freshman? – Have CptS 111 as your first class of the day? – Have prior programming experience? – Are also taking CptS 121? – Are taking Math 171?
Getting to know my class How many of you… – Are freshman? – Have CptS 111 as your first class of the day? – Have prior programming experience? – Are also taking CptS 121? – Are taking Math 171? – Took the CptS placement test?
What can YouTube tell us about learning to program?
Programming is a skill that takes practice In order to do well in this class, you will need to dedicate time outside of lecture practicing!
On to an introductory lecture…
Computer Languages ComputersHumans How can humans “talk to” (instruct) computers? Answer: Computer languages (e.g., Java, C, Python, FORTRAN, Basic, C++, Lisp, Ruby, …)
Computer Languages Alice Alice & Betty Betty Consider: “Alice and Betty had on the same dress.” Natural languages are often ambiguous. YESNO
Computer Languages Consider: “Alice and Betty ran from the same building.” AliceBetty Alice YESNO
Computer Languages It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a word are, the iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. Natural languages contain a great deal of redundant information, making them quite “fault tolerant.” Easy for a human to make sense of this despite 13 of the 27 words being misspelled.
Computer programs are a combination of one or more algorithms. From Merriam-Webster: – a procedure for solving a mathematical problem (as of finding the greatest common divisor) in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation Addendum from Adam: – An algorithm should always produce an expected result. – An algorithm must be in sufficient detail as to avoid ambiguity during execution.
Homework for today 1.Algorithms are everywhere (e.g. shampoo bottle). Find an algorithm to bring to Wednesday's class. Be ready to share! 2.Get an iClicker 3.Register for the course textbook on Zyante