JAMS TECHNOLOGY J ohn McGonegal A ndrea Mastro M adina McCants S amar Omar
Firm name: JAMS Technology John McGonegal- VP Accounting, VP Manufacturing Andrea Mastro - President- Overall Leadership, VP Human Resources Management. Madina McCants- VP Marketing Research, VP Marketing Samar Omar- VP Sales Management, VP Manufacturing CORPORATE OVERVIEW
Mission JAMS Technology is a leader in the development of corporate software products and solutions. Culture Honesty Integrity Open Communication Respect Teamwork Quality Type of Organizational Structure Hybrid Shared Mission Unified individuals with different experience but common goals Spider web based structure
Market Performance Indicator is.19 Market Share 22%; Workhorse 22%, Mercedes 22%, Traveler 20% Financial Performance Indicator is Financial risk indicator is.99 Wealth ratio is 1.64 Asset management ratio is.74 Earnings per share is 31 Total Cash flow is 8,048,709 BUSINESS PLAN FEATURES
Restore financial stability, profits and market share Achieve corporate objectives Aggressive global expansion BUSINESS PLAN FEATURES
Innovative Technologies Market share 40% Total Performance indicator is Financial performance is Market performance is.45 Here 4 U Computers Market share 15% Total performance indicator is Financial performance is Market performance is.20 BUSINESS PLAN FEATURES
JAMS Technology based on Venture Capital feedback made the following changes: Refine strategy to claim low cost Analyzed external environment for opportunities and threats. Increased numerical data to reflect company overall performance VENTURE CAPITAL FEEDBACK
BUSINESS STRATEGY ASSESSMENT Marketing Utilize market research to update products Evaluate media sources to make full use of advertising Manufacturing Evaluate demand Increase production Sales Channel Monitored competition and updated products to meet customer satisfaction Finances Avoided debt Increased revenue by 11% Human Resources Achieved sales worker productivity by 84% Achieved factory worker productivity by 100%
Financial performance increase from in the first year to Wealth performance increase from 1.04 first year to 1.64 Asset Management performance increased from.52 in the first year to.74 Financial risk increase from 1.0 in the first year.99 Market performance decreased from.26 in the first year to.19 Overall performance increase from 4.42 in the first year to 8.74 Total market share increased from 17% first year is to 22% FINANCIAL & MARKET REVIEW
Utilized Insight profile and occupational background to assign roles and responsibilities. Changed method of communication to enhance productivity and improve market place performance. Increased collaboration for collective decision making. Changes that will effect growth: Unemployment Decline or Increase in the economy Changes in customer wants and needs Competitors becoming more aggressive CURRENT SITUATION
PREPARATION FOR FUTURE COMPETITION Business Strategy Take more risks Be pioneers in the market Shift from low cost to hybrid Marketing Enhance brand differentiation through R&D Increase product exposure through aggressive advertising strategies. Manufacturing Invest heavily in plan capacity. Maintain high inventory safety stocks to minimize stock outs. Sales Channel Pursue intensive distribution Dominate with superior sales force Aggressively employee web traffic and productivity tactics Financial Willing to take financial risks Making decision with limited information Invest in decisions that could make a high impact.
StrengthsWeaknesses Marketing effectiveness Strong financial performance High sales compensation Highest rated Advertisement for Workhorse Lowest market share Low advertisement judgment for Traveler and Mercedes Lowest Productivity relative to potential at 84% 11% ill will carried over OpportunitiesThreats Differentiating products and services by increasing investment in R & D Modifying web center to appease the world market Targeting a high margin segment, and a large competitive segment Traveler brand incompatible with consumer’s demands Mercedes brand loyalty Established competitors in cities of operation Incompatible performance to outperform competitors Appendix A SWOT Analysis
More Aggressive Focus on campaigns that yield results Focus on meeting the demands of customer Improve our financial interaction JAMS TECHNOLOGY CONCLUSION
Writing, Alexis (2012). Advantages of Hybrid Organizational Structures html html Web Marketplace Practice (2012) Retrieved from