CSI: Children’s Science Investigative Interactive PowerPoint Template Report How does this work? Students participate (or view) an experiment and will record results of experiments in the following slide(s). One student in the group or class will be asked to be the secretary during the experiment and will record the class or group’s responses to each question. To type in the slide, go to Slide Show at the top and click on “View Show”. The students can type directly in the blank (on the PowerPoint Slide) and save the template with the group’s name. The PowerPoint can be printed for the teacher to view the results. Click the arrow to go to the 1 st slide.
1. What do you think might happen? 2. Was my prediction correct? 3. What did happen? 4. Why did it happen? 5. What did I learn about this project or experiment? C S I : C h i l d r e n ’ s S c i e n c e I n v e s t i g a t i v e R e p o r t Name(s) My Report on Slide 1
1. What do you think might happen? 2. Was my prediction correct? 3. What did happen? 4. Why did it happen? 5. What did I learn about this project or experiment? C S I : C h i l d r e n ’ s S c i e n c e I n v e s t i g a t i v e R e p o r t Name(s) My Report on Slide 2
1. What do you think might happen? 2. Was my prediction correct? 3. What did happen? 4. Why did it happen? 5. What did I learn about this project or experiment? C S I : C h i l d r e n ’ s S c i e n c e I n v e s t i g a t i v e R e p o r t Name(s) My Report on Slide 3
1. What do you think might happen? 2. Was my prediction correct? 3. What did happen? 4. Why did it happen? 5. What did I learn about this project or experiment? C S I : C h i l d r e n ’ s S c i e n c e I n v e s t i g a t i v e R e p o r t Name(s) My Report on Slide 4
1. What do you think might happen? 2. Was my prediction correct? 3. What did happen? 4. Why did it happen? 5. What did I learn about this project or experiment? C S I : C h i l d r e n ’ s S c i e n c e I n v e s t i g a t i v e R e p o r t Name(s) My Report on Slide 5