Public Hearings February 11, 2014
Case: CDR Project: Colonial Self Storage Planned Development (PD) Applicant: Tom Sullivan, Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A. District: 4 Acreage:7.23 acres Request:Substantial change to the existing PD to add truck rental as a permitted use Colonial Self Storage Planned Development Colonial Self Storage Planned Development
Colonial Self Storage PD Zoning Map Colonial Self Storage PD Zoning Map
Colonial Self Storage PD Future Land Use Map Colonial Self Storage PD Future Land Use Map
Colonial Self Storage PD Land Use Plan Colonial Self Storage PD Land Use Plan
Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the substantial change to the Colonial Self Storage Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD / LUP), subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. Colonial Self Storage PD
Case: CDR Project: Iveys Subdivision Planned Development (PD) Applicant: Scott Batterson, IBI Group, Inc. District: 1 Acreage:10.65 acres Request:Substantial change to the existing PD to modify a condition of approval by eliminating a requirement to provide pedestrian access and connectivity to the adjacent Phillips Oaks Subdivision Iveys Subdivision Planned Development Iveys Subdivision Planned Development
Iveys Subdivision PD Zoning Map Iveys Subdivision PD Zoning Map
Iveys Subdivision PD Future Land Use Map Iveys Subdivision PD Future Land Use Map
Iveys Subdivision PD Land Use Plan Iveys Subdivision PD Land Use Plan
Action Requested Make a finding of inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan and DENY the Change Determination Request (CDR) to the Iveys Subdivision Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD/LUP). Iveys Subdivision PD
Case: CDR Project: Lake Hart Planned Development (PD) Applicant: Scott M. Gentry, Kelly, Collins, & Gentry (KCG), Inc. District: 4 Acreage:1,333 acres Request:Substantial change to the existing PD to divide existing 30 acre PD Tract 7 into PD Tract 7A (26.1 acres – 279 condo unit entitlements) and PD Tract 7B (4.0 acres – 52,272 sq ft of office entitlements) Lake Hart Planned Development Lake Hart Planned Development
Lake Hart PD Zoning Map Lake Hart PD Zoning Map
Lake Hart PD Future Land Use Map Lake Hart PD Future Land Use Map
Lake Hart PD Land Use Plan Lake Hart PD Land Use Plan
Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the substantial change to the Lake Hart Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD/LUP), subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. Lake Hart Planned Development Lake Hart Planned Development
Case: PSP Project: Village F Master Planned Development / Horizon West - Village F Parcels N-8, N-9, N- 11, N-14, N-15 & N-16 Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP) Applicant: Lance Bennett, Poulos & Bennett, LLC. District: 1 Acreage:122.5 acres Request:Construction of 315 single-family dwelling units (attached and detached) Village F Master Planned Development
Action Requested Make a finding of consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and approve the Village F Master Planned Development / Horizon West - Village F Parcels N-8, N-9, N-11, N-14, N-15 & N- 16 Preliminary Subdivision Plan subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. Village F Master Planned Development
Public Hearings February 11, 2014