When last we met… Presentation about: What we assess/grade? What are some common practices that impact assessments and grades? How do we assess/grade? Presentation about: What we assess/grade? What are some common practices that impact assessments and grades? How do we assess/grade?
What do we assess/grade? Answers from teachers…. Major exams Quizzes Reports Projects Portfolios Labs Journals Observations Compositions Notes Major exams Quizzes Reports Projects Portfolios Labs Journals Observations Compositions Notes Homework quality Homework completion Class participation Neatness Effort Attendance Punctuality Behavior Attitude Progress Homework quality Homework completion Class participation Neatness Effort Attendance Punctuality Behavior Attitude Progress
Practices that impact assessment/grades Turning in assignments when due Following directions Bringing materials Showing work Using the correct writing utensil Extra credit Parents’ signature Turning in assignments when due Following directions Bringing materials Showing work Using the correct writing utensil Extra credit Parents’ signature
How do we assess/grade? Combination of academic growth and student skills Record scores using different methods of recording Decide level of importance for each recorded score Average/decide on grade Final letter grades are teacher dependent: school, grade, department, subject…. Combination of academic growth and student skills Record scores using different methods of recording Decide level of importance for each recorded score Average/decide on grade Final letter grades are teacher dependent: school, grade, department, subject….
Skills and Knowledge 21st century skills Habits Of Mind/Student Skills
Two of the three areas represent: 21st Century Skills Creativity, innovation Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration Flexibility and adaptibility Initiative and self direction Social/cross cultural skills Productivity and accountability Leadership and responsibility 21st Century Skills Creativity, innovation Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration Flexibility and adaptibility Initiative and self direction Social/cross cultural skills Productivity and accountability Leadership and responsibility Habits of Mind Set of dispositions that lead to productive actions Composite of many skills, attitudes, cues, past experiences Effects of behavior that are continually reflected upon, evaluated, modified and used again Behaviors that promote learning Can be taught, fostered, modeled and assessed Habits of Mind Set of dispositions that lead to productive actions Composite of many skills, attitudes, cues, past experiences Effects of behavior that are continually reflected upon, evaluated, modified and used again Behaviors that promote learning Can be taught, fostered, modeled and assessed
What the experts say about using Habits of Mind in Schools “Citizens and workers must be able to communicate, to team, to continuously learn, and to function in a visual, data rich society. Schools must emphasize the increasing importance of learning to learn in digital age. The schools vision must seek to create learners who have self-confidence, independence, and high tech proficiencies to continuously learn and meet challenges creatively and creatively.” - Partnership for 21st Century Learners.
Arthur Costa “Habits of Mind are the characteristics of what intelligent people do when they are confronted with problems, the resolutions of which are not immediately apparent.”
Carole Dweck “High achievers are vulnerable to helplessness, believe intelligence is fixed, likely to want to do tasks that they do well and don’t persevere. They give up when they feel they are not intelligent enough to get the answer.” 2006 We must help students who focus on a process, think powerfully about ideas, learn to critique as well as support each other and become thoughtful problem solvers and decision makers. “High achievers are vulnerable to helplessness, believe intelligence is fixed, likely to want to do tasks that they do well and don’t persevere. They give up when they feel they are not intelligent enough to get the answer.” 2006 We must help students who focus on a process, think powerfully about ideas, learn to critique as well as support each other and become thoughtful problem solvers and decision makers.
Grant Wiggins A habit of mind is the disposition to be open-minded, to suspend belief, to persevere in the face of ambiguity and complexity. Basically, what do you do when you don’t know what to do? A habit of mind is the disposition to be open-minded, to suspend belief, to persevere in the face of ambiguity and complexity. Basically, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?
So why are we talking about this? What are we doing now in assessing these specific types of intelligence skills? They correlate to pieces of the report cards with student behaviors & student learning behaviors What are we doing now in assessing these specific types of intelligence skills? They correlate to pieces of the report cards with student behaviors & student learning behaviors
What are we doing now? Habits of mind are in our progress reports in the elementary schools. Examples: shows pride in work (6), listens attentively (2), works independently (13), (1) Middle school combines content grade with a habit of mind grade Habits of mind are in our progress reports in the elementary schools. Examples: shows pride in work (6), listens attentively (2), works independently (13), (1) Middle school combines content grade with a habit of mind grade
How do we assess these student skills/life skills now? What data do we use to support our standards for the student skills/student learning behavior section? Do we explicitly teach student skills? Do we use a common language? Do we have descriptors that make it understandable? How does teacher judgment fit in? Students assessing themselves- do they? Does it go on the report card? What data do we use to support our standards for the student skills/student learning behavior section? Do we explicitly teach student skills? Do we use a common language? Do we have descriptors that make it understandable? How does teacher judgment fit in? Students assessing themselves- do they? Does it go on the report card?
So…. The questions are… Are these dimensions important enough to assess on a progress report? What will we use to assess our students in these dimensions? Will students receive a separate grade for it and will it include their own reflection? Data collection, rubrics, standards, descriptors, etc! Are these dimensions important enough to assess on a progress report? What will we use to assess our students in these dimensions? Will students receive a separate grade for it and will it include their own reflection? Data collection, rubrics, standards, descriptors, etc!
21st Century Learning
enGauge 21st Century Learning Skills
Digging Deeper
And deeper…
Dale’s “C” of change… 4 C’s 3 R’s Creativity & Innovation RelationshipsReading Critical Thinking and Problem Solving RigorWriting Communication & CollaborationRelevanceArithmetic