No Teacher Left Behind Ayesha Abdul- Rahim
How would you suggest we, as a nation, provide consistent learning opportunities for teachers and ensure that they are not left behind in learning about new techniques and strategies? Consistent opportunities for professional development should be imbedded in all school systems. Many teachers recognize the need to become more fluent in their instructional practices however professional development in school systems is designed to enhance teachers understanding of surface material. As stated in the article, The 8 Characteristics of a 21 st Century Teacher, if the 21 st century teacher is considered a connected teacher then our development should focus on how we can become more innovative and global in our approach to teaching. The current PD experiences do not give us a deeper understanding of how to prepare our students to be problem solvers and think critically. Most PD experiences are pre- determined and not based on the needs of the teaching community and because of this there is little room for additional development. As a teacher just returning to the DCPS system it is interesting to see how many PD experiences that are offered do not focus on what I really need to reach today’s student. The entire process of re-certification needs to be reevaluated. If we acknowledge that we ware in a technological age and skills that were once relevant no longer serve a purpose, why are teachers expected to take courses that have nothing to do with technology integration. When teachers have to attend classes to accrue hours for certification purposes, the courses do not correlate with what the 21 st century skills emphasis is.
Should all teachers across the country use certain practices? I think that teachers across the country should use consistent practices. If school systems across the country are seeing the need to integrate the 21 st century skills approach to instruction it is important for these practices to align with all school systems. These skills include: Effective small group instructional practices Cultivating creativity Peer communication Digital literacy
Should there be a consistent standard for all teachers to meet, just as students must pass high stakes tests? I believe that there is a consistent standard of excellence that has already been put in place for teachers to meet in order to be considered qualified to teach in the US. This practice can be correlated to the state tests that students must pass. Teachers must pass Praxis 1 and 2 as well as master a specific amount of courses relevant to their content. I do not believe that obtaining an acceptable score on a test should determine a teachers’ ability to teach students the skills necessary to allow them to be better communicators or more effective problem solvers.
Teacher’s preparedness to master ISTE Standards for Teaching Although I can only speak for the schools where I have taught, teachers do need more opportunities to develop in professional growth and leadership. The ISTE Standards for Teachers understand the need to create opportunities for teachers to dialogue with other educators from different school districts on a global level regarding instructional practices that integrate technology. If we are changing our perception of what is considered valuable content to teach students and the ability to be effective communicators is one of them, we need to be in a better position to do so.
References International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE Standards Teachers. Retrieved from T_PDF.pdf T_PDF.pdf Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. This text is a Constellation™ course digital materials (CDM) title. Dunn, J. (2013). The 8 characteristics of a 21st century teacher. Edudemic. Retrieved from teacher/The 8 characteristics of a 21st century teacher