By: Patricia Simack
My mission is to help and mentor teachers to incorporate technology in their everyday activities in the classroom so that they can engage students in their lessons. My mission is to help prepare our students to be competent and productive members of an increasingly technological society by enhancing their educational experience and develop computer literacy.
Technology Natives Digital Media Users – 6 ½ hrs daily (Exposed to 8 ½ hours) Multi-task: online, phone, print Gamers-interactive learning Risk-Takers Futurists & Optimistic
2 computer labs 4 Student computers/classroom 13 out of 25 have Smart Boards 21 out of 25 document cameras and Projectors 9 video cameras and digital cameras 2 sets of clickers Varied software/programs Data from Marco Alonso
93% of computers are working and have access to Internet. 92% of classrooms are still missing equipment: 52% have Smart board 84% have document cameras 76% have Projector 36% have a Camcorder and Digital Camera 12% of teachers have received Smart Board training. Data from Marco Alonso
Provide Staff Development/Training on how to integrate technology in the daily lessons Change teaching styles and expectations Implement Web Tools aligned with 21 st century student skills Student collaboration Integrate Technology to change end products and expectations
Teachers can only teach using the tools and methods that they have received training on. Teachers need to be trained to use today’s technology as an integral part of teaching and learning.
The Internet is great for research (student and teacher). Reduces grading time Reduction of paperwork It allows students to go above and beyond just learning from the textbook. Technology can connect people from all over the world. Technology can be used to enhance regular lessons.
Equipment and software costs can be high. Cost of replacement if lost or stolen There is so much technology out there (and new things are created each day). Teachers need to be willing to learn. Some students might not have access to computers or the Internet at home for assignments or research. Technology can mess up sometimes, so be prepared for anything.
Our students live in a digital world, altered by ever-changing technology. The youth of today can instant message on their laptop, talk on a cell phone, play a video game wirelessly with a friend down the street- all at the same time.
They have created an entire language of their own using abbreviated terms such as LOL (laugh out loud), BRB (be right back), POS (parent over the shoulder), MIRL (meet in real life) and BTDT (been there, done that).
The bottom line is that these students learn and comprehend in a way that is foreign to many of us, and, as a result, they often feel disconnected from traditional teachers and schools of yesteryear.