BA6 newsRF power Cable list being worked out
BA6 newsLLRF Cable list done, pending check and confirmation
Interlocks Machine protection Safety & Functional, equipment protection Inspired by the Linac4 test stand, HIE-Isolde SC linac, plus meetings with BE/OP, Coldex, TE/MPE, BE/ICS DRAFT for discussion PREPARATION TeamRequired actionsDonePending BE/RFDefinition of beam instrumentation requirementsTo complete BE/BInew BPM integrationPending requirement from BE/RF BE/ICSIntegration study with the new SPS-fire-safety systemSpec definedInventory of all equipment for crabs in TA6: cryo, vac, table BE/ICSStudy of access conditions and ODHStrategy definedCryogenic safety analysis EN/ACEPlanning; integration; scans; reinforcementScans, tunnel studyInfo on BA6, TA6: cryo. Master plan EN/ACESurvey and alignment EN/CVStudy infrastructure for water and ventilationStrategy definedDetailed power needs EN/ELUncabling; cable purchaseStrategy definedDetailed purchase breakdown, DIC EN/MME Design of componentsTable specification TE/ABTClear BA6; support uncabling, integration of new TPSGdoneCommon SRR TE/CRGProcurement of mobile cold-box, transfer-line, infrastructure Specifications, integration models, cabling strategy, installation strategy TE/MPEPreparation of CIBU, DIC for the related cable, for SPS-ring and EXTR1 Strategy definedWrap-up with all systems TE/VSCProduction of Y chamber, new sectorization and other chambers In workInsulation vacuum integration models HSE/SEEAssessment of support structuresContact missing, Pending information for cryogenic heavy equipment.
Main missing items TeamWhatProgressOpen BE/RFBeam instrumentationSee WP4 CoordinationDoes BE/BI have a clear specs for development? BE/RF (GV) Supporting structuresInventory being doneWho designs and produces? PB for advice Interlock: functional, beam, safety Draft prepared for discussion Is any essential system missing? Dedicated meeting TE/VSC EN/MME TE/CRG Electronics in the tunnel (TA6) Dose estimate, BatMons for SEE Detailed inventory, type of electronics, to present to RadWG EN/MME TE/CRG Motorized table, transfer line, cold-box, ancillaries Specifications for purchase HSE, CRG, ICS Safety analysisInput data knownCalculation
AGENDA SPS Installation Space Reservation Request, coupling crab-cavity and TPSGIn work (90%) Conceptual Specification, based on the existing DRAFTIn work (50%) Engineering Specification, to be used as a basis for ECR and Safety fileJune DICDuring fall, but cable orders have to be placed before June ECRAt latest in November for EYETS preparation (but it can follow the ES) Safety review of the SPS Installation, on the model of the HIE-Isolde one. After September 15th, well before EYETS