By Dr Hidayathulla Shaikh
At the end of the lecture student should be able to - mention steps in methodology of a study Discuss steps in methodology of a study Explain plan of action Enumerate blinding trials.
Designing the suitable methodology of an experiment in an institution (hospital or Lab) or for an inquiry in the field needs very logical and systematic planning. Guidelines are required to answer questions pertaining to the purpose, scope, objectives, methodology, results and practical applicability of the proposed research. Experts from other fields concerned for research should be consulted or involved in planning or conduction of research study.
1) Definition of the Problem Define the problem you want to study such as smoking and oral cancer, cholesterol and coronary heart disease, oral hygiene and dental caries etc. 2) Aims and Objectives Define aims and objectives of the study, state whether nature of the problem has to be studied or solution of the problem to be found by different methods. Ex – a) comparing efficacy of two lines of treatment Ex – b) warning public against smoking Ex – c) modifying measures to control malaria. etc
3) Review of Literature Critically review the literature on the problem under study, find if any such work has been done before by others. If so, than clarify if you want to confirm the findings, challenge the conclusion, or extend the work further. Ex – a) density of microflora is higher at night, but you want to know which part of night. Ex – b) untoward or toxic reactions of some medications and so on.
4) Hypothesis State your hypothesis after the problem and purpose are clear and literature on the previous works is reviewed. You have to precisely start with an assumption positive or negative, such as Ex – a) iron by injection is not more effective than by mouth. Ex – b) chewing tobacco cause more damage to oral tissues than smoking, and so on…
5) Plan of Action Prepare an overall plan or design of the investigation for studying the problem and meeting the objectives, the plan should specify 5a) Defining the population under study It may be country, state, city, village, families or specific group of population as per income, age, occupation etc. Define clearly who are to be included and who are to be excluded.
5b) Selection of samples Samples should be of sufficient size (large for field research), and represent the population under study. 5c) Specifying the nature of study State which type of study you are doing – Descriptive, Analytical or Experimental study and specify its sub type clearly. Here in order to reduce bias in study design blinding is done, it can be of 3 types
i) Single blind trial – here the study is planned in such a way that participants do not know whether they belong to study group or control group. ii) Double blind trial – here neither the investigator nor the participant is aware of the group allotted and treatment received. iii) Triple blind trial – in this type the participant, investigator and the person analyzing the data are un aware of their group to which they belong.
5d) Ruling out the Observer and Instrument error The investigator has to be trained, errors in taking readings/recording data should be minimized. Instruments like weighing machines, sphygmomanometer, thermometer ect should be checked before the use. 5e) Recording Data For recording data, a standard proforma, format or questionnaire has to be prepared and presented in few cases. Investigators have to be trained in filling these proforma.
5e) Work Schedule Prepare work schedule for data collection by estimating work expected per hour/day /week/month and per worker or per team. This should be done by pilot survey (initial survey with small sample)
6) Presentation of Data Compile all data and verify their accuracy and adequacy before processing further. Classify as per age, gender, class, profession and other desired characteristics. Prepare frequency tables and diagrams using statistical analysis.
7) Conclusions Draw unbiased conclusions and see if the hypothesis is established. Re check the whole plan before making logical recommendations. Prepare your reports as an article for publication in the scientific journals.