GPS-X Introducing Presented by: Hydrosoft & Hydromantis, Inc.
Introducing HYDROMANTIS Founded in 1985, commercial since 1991 Employee owned company based in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada please visit - 1)Developers of software solutions for wastewater professionals 2)Environmental engineering consulting services
Introducing 하이드로소프트 Hydromantis, Inc. 의 한국대리점 상하수 분야 : MIKE NET ( 덴마크 DHI) XP-SWMM ( 미국 XP Software, Inc.) 환 경 분 야 : GPS-X ( 캐나다 Hydromantis, Inc.) OTTER ( 영국 WRc) 수자원 분야 : SMS, WMS, GMS ( 미국 EMS-i, Inc.) MODFLOW ( 캐나다 Waterloo HG)
Software Products GPS-X: Dynamic simulation of WWTP’s General Purposes Simulator for eXpert
Modeling Advantages Cheaper than building/modifying the real system - Try several different options and see what works best Can be easier than carrying out test on existing systems - Whip up a storm instantaneously - Take processes off-line Fast results! - Don’t need to wait for 3 SRTs (weeks or months) to see results Consequence-Free! - Simulated plant failures are a lot less costly than real ones :-)
GPS-X Application Fields Calibrated GPS-X models can be used for: Engineering –Design, optimization, analysis –Advanced control design Plant operation –Operator training –Daily operational advice –Interface model with on-line instrumentation to update model parameters and provide more precise predictions Planning and Compliance
Who uses GPS-X? Used by - Consultants - Water companies - Municipalities - Government - Industry - Educational institutions R&D Worldwide user base in 41 countries
Who uses GPS-X? Used by in Korea – 현대중공업 – 현대건설기술연구소 – 현대엔지니어링 – 삼성건설기술연구소 – 삼성엔지니어링 –LG 건설기술연구소 – 대우건설 –SK 건설 – 수엔지니어링 – 한국종합기술공사 – 한국생산기술연구원 – 경기대학교 – 부경대학교 – 창원전문대 – 포항공대 – 부산대학교 – 대구대학교 – 건국대학교 –KIST
Steps in Modeling 1)Preliminary Data Analysis 2)Construct a Dynamic Model 3)Model Calibration 4)Run Simulations 5)Evaluation and Analysis of Output Data 6)Development of Scenarios (i.e. What if ?)
GPS-X Process Table Influent Effluent Flow Grit Chamber Clarifiers Tertiary Treatment Membrane Tools Solids Treatment Biological Reactors
GPS-X Basic Features Stable platform (since 1991) Drag and drop unit processes to create plant layout Steady-State and dynamic simulator
Select a model
Types of Wastewater Process Models Biological Models: –ASM1, ASM2d, ASM3, Mantis, NewGeneral, Prefermenter etc. Settling Models: –Double Exponential Influent Models: –BODbased, TSSCOD, CODfractions, States, Sludge, Acetate, Methanol, Water Filtration Model: –Iwasaki-Horner suspended solids capture model Miscellaneous: –Empirical models for dewatering, disinfection, black box etc.
Select control variables
Build the plant layout
Setup output windows
User specifies the treatment plant using drag and drop process icons and data entry. Screen Shot of GPS-X
Bio-P Plant Ortho-phosphate Ammonia Nitrate Nutrient profile along length of staged bioreactor
Uncontrolled Case Controlled Case Internal recycle is constant Nitrate in Anoxic 2 wanders Internal recycle is manipulated to control nitrate Nitrate in Anoxic 2 is kept close to setpoint of 1 mg-N/L
Calibration Example: Diurnal Flow Final effluent SS, mg/L Time, days
Effluent Forecasting GPS-X predicts: the effects of biological growth solids separation conventional water quality parameters including: –BOD, COD, TKN, TSS, Ammonia, Nitrate/Nitrite, and Soluble Phosphorus Quality of output from a model depends on: quantity and quality of input data available types of models utilized
GPS-X Advanced Features Operating Cost Models Dynamic Operating Cost Models are available for: Aeration energy cost Pumping energy cost Chemical dosage cost Sludge disposal cost (hauling, incineration, etc.) Miscellaneous energy cost (from rakes, gates etc.)
GPS-X Advanced Features Influent Advisor Influent Advisor modules assist in characterization of influents
GPS-X Advanced Features Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) The possibilities for alternative interfaces for GPS-X are endless
Example of Customized Alternative Interface for GPS-X Clickable picture Data input Customizable output such as specific tables and/or graphs Excel worksheet functionality Layout can include customizable space for logo and/or other information Simulation progress Simulation control buttons Output choices
GPS-X Advanced Features Sensitivity Analysis The GPS-X Analyzer automates the task of performing sensitivity analysis on model parameters
GPS-X Advanced Features Parameter Optimization Example
GPS-X Optimization: GPS-X can tell you the optimal amount of polymer to add Give GPS-X a goal –Minimize total costs GPS-X will tell you the answer –Optimal polymer dosage
GPS-X Advanced Features Industrial Pollutant Modeling 30 user defined components are available to be incorporated into GPS-X to track industry specific pollutants
GPS-X Advanced Features Dynamic Parameter Estimator (DPE) Most model parameters used in GPS-X dynamic models are kept constant over the entire calibration period to simplify the modeling process A more rigorous approach would be vary the specific parameter(s) over the simulation period using the Dynamic Parameter Estimator (DPE)
GPS-X Case Studies and Applications
Facility Planning Support Hamilton Woodward STP
Examine New Treatment Regulations & CSOs Ontario Ministry of the Environment
Regulations - Objectives Ontario Ministry of Environment was establishing new CSO treatment guidelines They had one provision that specified a load reduction over a typical year But they wanted to include a provision for effluent concentration
Probability Plot of Effluent Concentrations (1 year) (from GPS-X model of a high rate treatment facility)
Nitrogen Removal Training Japan Sewer Works
세계 최상의 Steady State & Dynamic 시뮬레이션 도구 Dynamic Parameter Estimator Scenario Manager 완벽한 인터페이스, 빠르고 손쉬운 사용 입출력 데이터의 스프레드 시트와 호환성 (DDE) 시뮬레이션 도중에도 파라미터 변경 가능 모델 에러 자동 감지 및 경고 시스템 실시간 제어를 위한 On-Line 연결 가능 (SCADA) On-Off, P, PI, PID 등의 제어 시뮬레이션을 위한 루틴 내장 Matlab 과의 동적인 연계 GPS-X 4.02 한글판 및 한글 튜토리얼 가이드 GPS-X Summary
Expert technical support available (usually next day) by phone, etc. Free Software upgrades available with technical contract (Adding new models and enhancements to v. 4.1 – 2003 Fall) Customized training in Canada Local language version (Eng, Fr, Ger, Esp, Hung, Neth,Portu, Swed, Jap, Kor) GPS-X Support Services
Thank you very much