SRF Collaboration Shekhar Mishra Fermilab
Overview Charge: Does the laboratory make effective use of collaboration and existing SRF capabilities at other laboratories and universities? –Yes –Fermilab has long tradition of national and international collaboration High Energy Physics and Accelerator –Fermilab is one of the founding member of Tesla Technology Collaboration –Fermilab lead an effort of national and international SRF collaboration to support ILC in the event of the ITRP recommendation of SRF Technology General principle of present collaboration remains the same –Fermilab has developed several national and international collaborations by bi-lateral and multi-lateral MOUs Development of SRF infrastructure and expertise at FNAL May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Fermilab: US Collaboration Jefferson Lab: –Cavity processing & test, Vertical Test Stand ANL: –Cavity processing & tech transfer to Industry, Material R&D Cornell: –Cavity processing & test, materials R&D, HPR MSU: –Cavity R&D SLAC: –RF power, klystrons, coupler, RF distribution LBNL: –LLRF NW,FSU, UofC: –Materials R&D, innovative R&D IIT, NIU: –Accelerator Physics Rochester: –Laser for NML May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Fermilab: International Collaboration Germany: DESY: –3.9 GHz, Cryomodule Kit, SRF Infrastructure Italy: INFN: –Tuners, Cryomodule, NML gun cathodes, HTS India: (RRCAT,BARC,VECC,IUAC) –Cavity and CM Design & fabrication, SRF infrastructure Japan: KEK: –Cavity R&D, ATF II China: IHEP, PKU: –Cavity and SRF development Russia: JINR, Dubna: –Nb Joint and Cryomodule Canada: TRIUMF: –Cavity development FNAL, DESY, KEK, INFN, CERN, Indian Labs: –Type IV CM design DESY, KEK, FNAL: –Cavity tuning machine
Cavity Fabrication By Industry Cavity Dressing & Horizontal Fermilab Surface Cornell Surface Jlab Surface ANL/FNAL Vertical Cornell Vertical Jlab Vertical FNAL Exists Developing ~10/yr~40/yr Collaboration: US Cavity R&D May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review Plan in Place since 2006
FNAL-ANL Cavity Processing Facility High-pressure rinse system Ultrasonic cleaning system Electro-polishing Room ANL/FNAL Facility provides a complete processing of cavities: –Electro-polishing, ultrasonic cleaning, high-pressure rinse, assembly, etc. –Facility nearing completion (HPR, ultrasonic, fixtures) Several single-cell cavities and two 9-cell cavity electro-polished so far –Optimization of processing procedure is in progress May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review VTS
KEK/Kyoto inspection system delivered, installed, commissioned early in 2009 KEK/Kyoto assistance in optimizing the system at Fermilab FNAL (KEK/Kyoto) Optical Inspection Accel-7 on the optical inspection stand optical inspection optimization Iris between cell 1-2 Iris between cell 7-8 ACCEL06 May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
DESY: Key SRF Collaboration Fermilab’s collaboration with DESY and Tesla Technology Collaboration has helped make considerable progress in Cavity and Cryomodule RD&D and SRF infrastructure development. Fermilab SRF Infrastructures are 2nd generation of DESY May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review 1.3 GHz Cryomodule Assembled at Fermilab with DESY Kit Fermilab Designed and Build 3.9 GHz
NML Facility Final Assembly HTS VTS VTS RF & Control String Assembly MP9 Clean Room VTS Feed Can and End Can May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Indian Laboratories: Fermilab’s Interest Fermilab would like the Indian Institutions to participate in Project-X research, design, development and construction. Fermilab and Indian labs are developing SRF infrastructure. –Joint development allows sharing of resources and advance the schedule. Indian Institutions would develop the designs, prototype, and fabricate different components for the Project-X SRF accelerator. –Spoke resonator cavity and cryomodule parts (with IUAC and BARC) – = 0.8 cavity, tuner, helium vessel, etc. (with BARC, RRCAT and VECC) to produce a dressed cavity and cryomodule parts –Cost optimization of cryomodule Indian Institutions would develop the design and fabricate a VTS Cryostat, HTS Cryostat and CTS Feed can and End Can for installation at Fermilab –Similar setup established at Indian Institutions to support the above development and Indian accelerator Program. May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Indian Laboratories: Progress May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Px: 325 MHz Collaboration Fermilab, ANL, MSU, IUAC, BARC May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review IUAC, India ANL, MSU
SLAC: RF Power RF Distribution –Four, two-cavity RF distribution systems were individually high power tested and then shipped to FNAL –Additional systems will be fabricated using ARRA funds Coupler –12 Couplers from CPI have been inspected and processed –SLAC will manage additional coupler purchase through ARRA –Industrial value engineering May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Laboratory –Industry Collaboration In 2005 Fermilab helped created an Industrial Forum of North American companies to help promote SRF accelerator technology. May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review
Summary We are effectively collaborating with several institutions for the advancement of SRF R&D and infrastructure development. Fermilab is collaborating with several institutions nationally and internationally. –~15 US and ~10 international Fermilab is using available SRF infrastructure at Jlab, Cornell and joint facility at ANL for the cavity R&D. –This effective from both resources and schedule Fermilab leads the collaboration in cryomodule design. –Integrated into the ILC/GDE effort DESY collaboration has been very effective in enabling Fermilab become a major player in SRF Technology. India collaboration has strengthen in last 3 yrs. –Beta = 0.8 Cavity and CM for Project-X, SRF Infrastructure May 18-19, 2009DOE SRF Review