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Poetic terms Shakespeare’s Life Characters Plot I Plot II Who said it?
How many lines are in a sonnet? A 100
Fourteen A 100
Most of Shakespeare’s plays were written in _______ verse. A 200
Blank A 200
How many quatrains does a Shakespearean sonnet contain? A 300
Three A 300
What are the last two rhyming lines in a sonnet called? A 400
A couplet A 400
How many syllables does a line of iambic pentameter have? A 500
Ten A 500
Who did Shakespeare marry at the age of 18? B 100
Anne Hathoway B 100
What caused London theaters to be shut down during Shakespeare’s time? B 200
Black (bubonic) plague B 200
Name one of Shakespeare’s kids’ names B 300
Hamnet, Judith, or Susanna B 300
What was the name of the famous stage that many of his plays were performed on? B 400
The Globe B 400
What was the date of Shakespeare’s supposed birth and death? B 500
April 23 B 500
According to Brutus, this character refused to loan him money C 100
Cassius C 100
Brutus’ deceased wife C 200
Portia C 200
Helps Brutus kill himself C 300
Strato C 300
DAILY DOUBLE C 400 DAILY DOUBLE (Wager up to 800)
Who dies along with other senators? C 400
Cicero C 400
Name the three characters who were part of the second triumvirate C 500
Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus C 500
D 100 How does Portia die?
Swallows/chokes on a hot coal D 100
Name one animal that Antony compares Lepidus to and explain WHY he was compared to that animal D 200
Donkey/Horse D 200
D 300 Who helps Cassius kill himself?
Pindarus D 300
Where will the battle between Antony and Brutus be held, AND who promises to meet them there? D 400
Phillipi / Caesar's Ghost D 400
According to Cassius, what is his excuse for his temper? D 500
Inherited it from his mother D 500
Who does Antony say is the "noblest Roman of them all"? E 100
Brutus E 100
What does Cassius ask of Titinius? E 200
Go to tents and see if people there are foes or friends E 200
What does Pindarus finally decide to do? E 300
Run away E 300
How does Lucilius avoid being killed? E 400
Pretends to be Brutus E 400
What omen did Cassius see that made him think death was approaching? E 500
Eagles turn into ravens and hawks (birds that foreshadow death) E 500
“For ever and for ever farewell, Brutus! / If we do meet again, we’ll smile indeed.” F 100
Cassius F 100
“This ensign here of mine was turning back; / I slew the coward and did take it from him.” F 200
“Far from this country Pindarus shall run, / Where never Roman shall take note of him.” F 300
Pindarus F 300
“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” F 400
Caesar F 400
“Thou has described a hot friend cooling. Ever note […] / when love begins to sicken and decay / It useth an enforced ceremony.” F 500
Brutus F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Memorable Quotes Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
“O setting sun, / As in thy red rays thou does sink to night / So in his red blood Cassius’ day is gone” Click on screen to continue
Titinius Click on screen to continue
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