Aim: What should we know about giving sources credit? Do Now: Review Citing Quotations Lesson: Creating A Works Cited Page Follow-Up: Format of the Final Draft H.W.: Typed Final Draft w/ Completed Works Cited Page Due Monday
Review Parenthetical Citation In Shakespeare’s King Lear, Gloucester, blinded for suspected treason, learns a profound lesson from his tragic experience: “A man may see how this world goes/with no eyes” ( ). In the article “Teenagers in Love: Parents’ Reactions to Teen Romance,” Nancy Kalish, PhD writes, “……” According to Judith Orloff, MD, “………” (Lust vs Love: Do You Know the Difference? How to tell the difference between love and lust.) As it states in the article, “The Science of Lust and Love,” “…………..” (Laing).
Parenthetical Citation vs. Works Cited Parenthetical Citation: Whenever we use a direct quote or indirect quote (paraphrase), we must use parenthetical documentation to give the source credit. The information in the parenthesis will assist your reader in locating the source on the Works Cited Page. Work Cited Page: Lists all the sources cited in the paper. Each source listed must include all the bibliographic information for that source. Sources are listed in alphabetical order by author.
Info you will need for creating a Works Cited Page Title of Source Title of Article (If Applicable) Author’s First and Last Name Year of Publication Publisher City of Publication Web Sources Web Address Date Copyrighted or Date Printed (If No Copyright date )
Citing Texts….. Book, Single Author: Arrange the info into three units, each followed by a period and one space: 1) the author’s last, first name 2) title, underlined 3) place of publication: publisher, and the date 1) Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992.
Citing Online Articles Citing a Web Site: List 1) Editor, author, or compiler name (if available) 2) the title of the article (if available), in quotes 3) the name of the site, in italics 4) the name of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher) 5) the date of resource creation (if available) 6) the medium of publication 7) the date of access. Laing, Ainsley. "The Science of Lust and Love." Body for Mind eZine. Streetdirectory, Web. March 2015.
Things to keep in mind…. Titles of Books and Play are UNDERLINED Titles of Articles, Poems, Short Stories, and Tales are in “QUOTATION MARKS” Authors’ names are written LAST NAME, FIRST NAME
Format of the Final Draft 12 Point Times New Roman Double Spaced Typed Final Draft of Essay with proper heading (Your name, date, class in upper right corner & Title top center) Works Cited Page Peer Editing Worksheet Research Paper Drafting Process Check List Rubric
Ms. Convery EEN41 Period 1 May 11, 2015 A Tragic Story of Lust Romeo and Juliet has long been considered the most tragic love story every told. However, debate has been sparked over whether Romeo and Juliet could truly fall in love with each other in just four days. Taking into consideration modern scientific and psychological studies that prove true love takes time, Shakespeare famous young lovers did not have time to experience true love which may be the real tragedy. In Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are described as “star-crossed lovers” showing that they are only lusting after each other. From the minute Romeo and Juliet meet at the Capulet party, they are infatuated with each other’s looks………..