MANDATOS Commands in the Ud./Uds. Form Both affirmative and negative
LOS REGULARES Similar to the Informal (tú) commands, we’ll start with the present tense. Formal (Ud.) commands: Use the present tense “Yo” form and change the ending.
Present “Yo” form Present tense Yo form and change the “o” to the “opposite vowel of the infinitive” -ar e -er a -ir a Infinitive Present Ud Command Cortar Corto Corte! Comer Como Coma! Vivir Vivo Viva! *What does this remind you of?
*Ud. Commands are conjugated just like negative tú, but drop the ‘s’!! As with the Tú commands, whatever changes are in the present tense (boots) must stay in the Command/Mandato. pensar piensa piense! dormir duerme duerma!
Pretend irregulares This is where the “yo” form will come in useful. **Changes in the Yo form (yo-go, c-zc, g-j) MUST stay. (notice the opposite vowel still in effect) Hacer hago haga! Seguir sigo siga! Conocer conozco conozca! Recoger recojo recoja!
Pretend irregulares Other yo-go go ga! Venir venga!Tener tenga! Decir diga!Poner ponga! Traer traiga!Oír oiga! Decir diga!Salir salga! Seguir siga! Conseguir consiga!
Sound/spelling ‘irregulares’ Recuerde! The sounds of some verbs become an issue and letters change…. jugar juega juege? juegue! tocar toca toce? toque! empezar empieza empieze? empiece! *notice the boot change in effect.
COMPLETAMENTE IRREGULAR Saber sepa Ser sea Ir vaya Haber haya Ver vea Dar dé Estar esté
Making Ud. Uds. Simply take the Usted form of the command and add an “n” to make it plural, just as you would a normal present tense verb. PresenteMandato -----|-----Ud. Uds |----- Coma! Coman! Come | Comen
Making Affirmative Negative Unlike like the Tú commands, Ud/Uds commands can become negative by simply adding a “no” before the command. AffirmativoNegativo ¡Abra!¡No abra!