Open Access, the next REF and the CRIS Rowena Rouse Scholarly Communications Manager March 2016
What is Open Access? As you probably know, the basic concepts of the OA principle are very simple, and amount to: “If you produce a research output of any sort, then it should immediately be available for all the world to see, whenever they wish, absolutely free of charge”
Why is Open Access important? OA maximises research usage Public (tax payers) Businesses and industry Academic community - potential to increase citations OA requirements of funding bodies RCUK Horizon 2020 Major charities (Wellcome Trust…) Eligibility for submission to REF2020
The Open Access requirement for the next REF An open-access requirement has been introduced to the post 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The policy states that certain outputs must be available in an open-access form to be eligible for submission to the next REF.
What do OA policies cover? Journal articles Conference articles (with an ISSN) When? HEFCE’s REF eligibility policy “This requirement will apply to journal articles and conference proceedings accepted for publication after 1 April 2016”
What do I have to do? ACT ON ACCEPTANCE requires researchers to act on acceptance to deposit their final peer- reviewed text, also known as: - ‘Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM)’ - ‘final author version’ or - ‘postprint’ in an open access institutional or subject repository within three months of the date of acceptance* For Brookes this means adding this version to the CRIS applies to article manuscripts accepted after 1 April 2016 What do I have to do?
Do we require anything else from you? Yes – evidence of acceptance date such as from publisher How? Cut and paste text from into a text file, word doc or create a pdf save and upload alongside the version of your paper on the CRIS Dates Acceptance Date – deposit within 3 months of acceptance date* *Note Hefce will not be enforcing the requirement of deposit within 3 months of acceptance until early It still needs to be within 3 months of publication date for only.
What else needs to be done so the output is REF returnable? Hefce rule: Article details (metadata) must be discoverable soon after upload How? Bibliographic record is automatically passed Radar without version Open Access Hefce rule: Full-text must be accessible for anyone to read and download either immediately or after the end of an embargo period How? Coversheet is added and it is made publicly available on RADAR
The Green Route Hefce supports this route – Publishers often impose a delay before repositories can make manuscripts openly available. The maximum permitted embargo is: - 12 months (for Panels A and B) or - 24 months (Panels C and D).
The Gold Route All Open Access Options Pay Article Processing Charges (APC) - cost £400 - £3000 per article Open Access Journal with no fees, no subscription Hybrid Journals Mix of papers some available on open access where APCs have been paid, other articles behind a paywall so institutions still have to subscribe to them
What about monographs, book chapters, and other outputs? There is no open access requirement for these types of outputs. Just add brief details about the output to the CRIS.
The Hard Core Non-compliant outputs (ie a journal article or conference proceeding submitted to the post-2014 REF that is not compliant with all the criteria and with no valid exception recorded) will receive an unclassified score. Brookes Message: You should publish in the journal that is most appropriate to your discipline Exceptions: Need to record them – add note to record More information: FAQs :
For researchers
The CRIS Log on to CRIS Click on Login
Another login Click on Login
University Login Screen Enter your usual p00 staff number and password Once logged in:
Add new publication Select Publications
Then output Select ‘Output’
Add information about your output * = mandatory field
Add Journal Name Click on ‘plus’ sign Add list of authors (Surname Initials, Surname Initials ) Fitt AD, Rouse RC, Taylor S
Add journal title Search for journal name If journal title not in list, select ‘plus’ sign and add
Upload fulltext of article and evidence of acceptance date Click on icon No need to complete any of the other fields here
Move record ‘For validation by the library’ Completed 4 mandatory fields: Publication type Title Journal name Publication year Save and close Move to ‘For validation by library’
Further changes to the record Note if you want to make any further changes Go back to publication and request change.
What the Scholarly Communications Team does: Check the record for accuracy, add any further information if known Has a version of the paper been uploaded? If incorrect version, contact author asap and request the required version If correct version, look after accepted version until embargo has elapsed, author and ask to let us know date of publication
The new Sherpa Ref tool is available
Example of a complete record in RADAR
Example of accepted manuscript in RADAR Note – no journal branding on this version
In Summary Output made publicly available via the CRIS, on open access on RADAR – the institutional repository of Oxford Brookes Compliance with funder mandates Record with a link to RADAR record on the CRIS CRIS will feed information to staff web profiles (expected sometime in 2016)
Open Access – moving up the UK research Agenda
More exciting news We are working on the following: Import your publications from Web of Science – guidance coming soon ORCID ids – register or link to your existing id through the CRIS – more information soon Choosing a publication – researchers need to start thinking about open access earlier in their publication process. You can use the new Sherpa tool to see if a journal is Ref compliant - more information soonSherpa tool How to apply for open access funding – when gold is the preferred option - more information soon
Need help webpages drop-in sessions at all sites late April, May, June or tailored sessions are available too or call Rowena Rouse, Scholarly Communications Manager, Library x5085 ???Questions???