Development of a Core Reading List for Emergency Management Graduate Students Dr. Jennifer Wilson Dr. Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel Emergency Management Program North Dakota State University
Purpose To create support material for higher education courses in emergency management One of the five components of the “Body of Knowledge” project
Methodology Compiled an initial list of 350 books –All Higher Ed courses and syllabi –Added other books of choice Surveyed 52 emergency management educators at institutions with graduate degree programs across the nation Asked to choose books that they believe graduate students in EM should read
Results 40% completion rate Respondents choose from 4 to 142 books Compiled list of the top 50 books The most votes received by any book was 13 The least votes received by any book was 5
Thanks for your kind attention Contact info: Jennifer Wilson, Ph.D. Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel, Ph.D. Co-Director Director (701) (701) Emergency Management Program North Dakota State University P.O. Box 5075 Fargo, ND 58105